The Book of Unwritten Tales: Critter Chronicles Critic Reviews
14 Total Reviews
11 Positive Reviews(78.6%)
3 Mixed Reviews(21.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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December 17, 2012
Critter Chronicles is definitely one of the best adventure games in the entire world. It has a nice, simple story, fantastic dialogue, great sense of humor, exceptionally likable characters, excellent English dubbing and really pretty graphics. Hardcore gamers can think it's too easy, but I think a higher difficulty level would cripple the game's fluid gameplay and an irritated gamer wouldn't appreciate many funny moments. Besides - the game has a hard mode. If you like adventure games, you simply can't not play Critter Chronicles.
Game Over Online
December 13, 2012
Critter Chronicles took me about a dozen hours to complete, and I consistently found it to be enjoyable during that time. The puzzles work well and are sometimes challenging (at least on "Hard;" I didn't try "Normal"), the writing is amusing enough that the game is entertaining to watch as well as play, and the voice acting is once again terrific.
PC Games
April 8, 2013
A fun adventure prologue thanks to likable characters, nice production values and a good sense of humor. Writing and puzzle design are not on par with the original though.
December 17, 2012
We return to the fantastic world created in The Book of Unwritten Tales with the prequel to a great adventure. With less strength than its predecessor but just as magical and highly recommended.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
February 4, 2013
If you have a story with a purple monster, talking ships, environmental activist, and Yeti you can make a really funny game. The people from KING Art made a great one.
Hooked Gamers
February 3, 2013
It is the quirky puzzles, the fun mini-puzzles and the humorous dialogue and references that make The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Creature Chronicles so enjoyable to play.
February 6, 2013
Even The Three-Headed Monkey would not be unable to distract you from The Critter Chronicles’ shortcomings but this prequel to The Book of Unwritten Tales is still likeable. It’s just smaller in every aspect.
PC Master (Greece)
February 4, 2013
Despite limited environments and unstable puzzle design, Critter Chronicles is saved by the subtle charm of its characters and by some witty ideas.
Adventure Gamers
December 21, 2012
The Critter Chronicles adopts enough of the positive qualities of its predecessor to deliver another enjoyable adventure, but skids on some crucial issues to land somewhat short of true excellence.
Eurogamer Sweden
January 14, 2013
A fun and well written prologue to last year's adventure hit. This game tells a smaller and a more personal story that is somewhat hurt by really awful puzzle-design at certain places.
January 18, 2013
Even though The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles does not reach a technology peak, its perfect story, humorous situations and interesting puzzles make up for it. It's a pity the game is so short.
December 18, 2012
Amusing and usually quite entertaining, but let down by location repetition and some poor puzzle design.
January 9, 2013
It's more of an expansion than a proper sequel, and the puzzles are not as logical and enjoyable as the ones in the original game. But it still offers a genuinely funny and pleasant overall experience.
Riot Pixels
January 27, 2013
The original game, The Book of Unwritten Tales, was peppered with lazy, on-the-nose jokes, like a film in the Scary Movie franchise. The Critter Chronicles is no better. Pop culture references killed the fairy tale.