Borderlands 2 Critic Reviews
59 Total Reviews
59 Positive Reviews(100%)
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0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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September 17, 2012
Borderlands 2 is a better game than Borderlands in every imaginable way. Scoff at anyone who calls it a v1.5 update; this is really what a sequel should be. At the most basic level, you've got the same great experience that the 2009 game offered, only with much more depth and variety.
September 18, 2012
Pandora feels more like an actual place than a virtual battleground, thanks to Gearbox's attention to detail in this game...I mean, when was the last time you cared about the name of any gun manufacturer in any shooter you played recently? Listen, I've played the heck out of the COD: MW titles, and I've used a TAR-21 more times than I care to mention, but I couldn't tell you who manufactured it... The gun-makers in Borderlands 2 don't even exist, for goodness sake, and I'm already brand-loyal to one of them.
BigPond GameArena
September 18, 2012
It's expertly paced, cleverly written, gorgeously refined and beautifully executed. What surprised me the most is the sheer level of detail involved. Personalised character elements, the duel for loot system and the depth of your skill tree customisation makes playing for yourself more satisfying than ever. Symbiotic AI and meta-challenge systems give you more reason to fight on. And a combination of loot-chasing and story make Borderlands 2 a must own.
September 19, 2012
Bigger, crazier and more diverse than original. A role-playing shooter that raises the bar for both RPGs and shooters. Wonderful.
Quarter to Three
October 15, 2012
I'm not terribly surprised that the studio that made the first Borderlands has created such a wildly good gunplay-based action RPG. But I'm surprised that the studio that stitched together Duke Nukem Forever and all those Brothers in Arms games has also made it such a joy to discover for reasons other than the awesome guns and gunplay. Bravo, Gearbox.
Game Informer
September 12, 2012
With its unmatched co-op gameplay, intense shootouts, addictive loot collecting, expansive skill customization, hilarious dialogue, and insane level of difficulty, Borderlands 2 is one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of this console generation.
Games Master UK
September 17, 2012
Bigger. Ballsier. Bullet-ier. Borderlands 2 is the antidote to stuffy military shooters.
September 17, 2012
Damned impressive, standing head and shoulders above the original and other games in the genre as the most addictive, engrossing co-operative FPS game of this generation. A bona fide game-of-the-year candidate.
Gaming Nexus
September 17, 2012
Borderlands 2 takes the franchises's successful formula of tons of guns and absurd humor combined with enough bells and whistles to make you drool like a dog at feeding time and simply updates it instead of changing it completely.
Gamer Limit
September 18, 2012
Overall, I found myself stopping to smell the roses on a number of ocassions, attempting to raise my Badass Rank just for fun. Even in the more run-of-the-mill areas or quests you might encounter during the game, these challenges help keep things interesting.
September 18, 2012
It's a game for gamers, and a stark reminder that often the best games aren't those that set out to redefine the medium, or seek dour creative legitimacy, but those that set out to entertain, to make us laugh, to surprise us, and make such an impression that we'll return to them for years to come.
September 18, 2012
Bigger, longer, better, funnier, and the list goes on and on. It comes
closer to perfection, and even though there's still room for
improvement, Borderlands 2 will be one of those game we'll remember in
a few years when we think about "the previous generation".
September 17, 2012
Borderlands 2 is a FPS/RPG fusion the rest of the videogame development world should stand up and pay attention to, because Gearbox has backed a real winner in this IP. A must-buy.
September 17, 2012
Borderlands 2 is everything fans of the original could have hoped for. No, it doesn't mess with a formula that already proved itself. Instead it supports the framework for a great role-playing game with a bigger world, while offering more customization options for its players. It's also one of the funnier games you're likely to play this year.
September 17, 2012
The story in Borderlands 2 is by far the biggest improvement. The humor and over-the-top style that was merely glimpsed in the first game are ever-present here. Strong personalities drive the experience from beginning to end, whether it's Claptrap's sense of self-importance, Tiny Tina's hyperactivity, or Handsome Jack's spiteful annoyance.
September 21, 2012
Borderlands 2 is one of the best co-op games around and more broadly one of the most enjoyable ones, thanks to the sheer variety of weapons, enemies and missions, capable to entertain the player for many hours and several play-throughs. A must-play.
Xbox World Australia
October 17, 2012
I can't recall a more convincing successor than Borderlands 2, which has undoubtedly and so convincingly crushed the original to smithereens.
Xbox Achievements
September 17, 2012
A fantastic sequel full to the brim with colour, verve and personality, excelling as an enjoyable shooter with involving RPG elements despite more fetch quests than several dogs will experience in a lifetime. It's all wonderfully well-executed and fun to play.
Gaming Age
September 24, 2012
Overall, despite a small number of flaws, Borderlands 2 is well worth picking up. It provides the same action packed, RPG style experience found in the original game, spread across a larger world with lot more stuff to do and explore.
Pelit (Finland)
October 13, 2012
Borderlands 2 is a marvelous sequel. Its unique style, vast world and funny characters draw you in, its hectic combat and endless supply of loot cause addiction. Superb audio-visual quality and smooth co-op are only the topping on the cake. Borderlands is one of the best games of 2012.