Bound by Flame Critic Reviews
42 Total Reviews
12 Positive Reviews(28.6%)
27 Mixed Reviews(64.3%)
3 Negative Reviews(7.1%)
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Game Informer
May 8, 2014
When you invest the time to master the challenging combat and explore the world, Bound by Flame is a solid romp with rewarding tactical action supported by rewarding boss battles and plenty of ways to see your choices reflected in the world around you.
Game Over Online
May 9, 2014
As it is, it’s a budget title that rises slightly above the rest.
May 13, 2014
Bound by Flame is far from perfect, but underneath a few rough edges, a memorable journey awaits, defined by an unpredictable storyline, and decisions that have a meaningful impact on the story.
May 9, 2014
It's one of those games that is just ok. It's fun, but not thrilling or clever.
May 8, 2014
Bound by Flame doesn’t put too much weight on the important choices you think you’re making, but its rich customization options and smart combat system are sure to give you that power you're looking for.
May 9, 2014
Bound by Flame could be a really good RPG with some refinements, but for now, it suffers too much from its AI and difficulty settings.
May 9, 2014
After completing it, Bound by Flame is quite an underwhelming game. Spiders passes the first hours narrating a fascinating story in a complex environment, but in the end, the game is just too short to justify all the hype.
May 9, 2014
Bound By Flame is the midnight snack that sates, but leaves you wanting something a bit more savory. But when the snack is this tasty, you may find yourself coming back for a second helping a lot quicker than you might think.
May 9, 2014
It's an action RPG from Spiders: awkward, sloppy, and too small for its own good, but entertaining enough for what it is.
May 12, 2014
Bound By Flame’s combination of progression and action ultimately make it greater than the sum of its parts.
May 26, 2014
Bound by Flame isn't the best RPG that the industry has to offer. But underneath the rough edges there's still a surprisingly enjoyable game.
Pelit (Finland)
June 12, 2014
French indie developer tries to engage adult audience with this RPG. Too bad the world is generic and script is dull as a wooden blade. If you show a few tits and curse like a sailor, that don't translate to a game for adults. On top of that the game mechanics are dull and repetitive. You don't challenge Witcher with this kind of setup.
May 11, 2014
Spider is a team with soul and a good heart that should tune down their big ambitions in order to obtain a necessary focus for their games. Bound by a Flame offers fun combat and some good moments, but it fails to reach its full potential.
May 9, 2014
Spiders wanted Bound By Flame to be their big breakout hit but penny-pinching on theirs or their publisher's side will hold them back.
May 9, 2014
Bound by Flame provides engaging mechanics and choices that actually matter, if you can stomach the horrible voice work.
July 25, 2014
There is potential in Bound by Flame but I can’t review this game without using some harsh words. It’s linear and clichéd, combat should be better and many elements could be more complex. Still I believe that with more money, people and time Spiders would be able to play in the major league.
May 8, 2014
A solid RPG experience offering everything you'd expect - but not enough surprises. Many enjoyable features but feels like playing part one of a two parter.
PC Games
May 12, 2014
Despite its good ideas and intentions, Bound by Flame is a mediocre, often tiresome experience that suffers from a lackluster story and an ill-conceived combat system.
May 23, 2014
Bound by Flame is an exceedingly interesting game. It attempts to join the ranks of games like The Witcher and Mass Effect with its combat and social elements but ultimately falls short.
May 9, 2014
Jack of all trades, master of none. When you try to accomplish the same things as three or four of the top-RPG games in the last years at once, you'll probably you’ll not be able to be on their level.