
Bounty Battle Critic Reviews

6 Total Reviews

0 Positive Reviews(0%)
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6 Negative Reviews(100%)

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Pure Nintendo October 5, 2020
Can I give Bounty Battle a slight recommendation for character diversity alone? No, I can’t. There are excessive issues through and through, including (but certainly not limited to) lack of fluency, gameplay variety, and depth.
KeenGamer September 14, 2020
The dream of a Super Smash Bros. game full of our favourite indie characters is one we will have to keep having. The premise, when announced, sure did pique a lot of interest. But the final product is genuinely one of the most disappointing games I’ve played in a very long time and doesn’t give me any desire to play this game again. Maybe a game can be redeemed as the combat gets tighter, with new characters to add different gameplay elements. But the foundation here is so bad that it seems irredeemable. Clunky, floaty, and shallow battles; poor frame-rates, muggy graphics, unpleasant UX, janky menus, and a complete lack of style mean that there is very little good to say about Bounty Battle, which sure is sad.
NintendoWorldReport September 14, 2020
Bounty Battle is a disappointment from start to finish. It completely squanders a sincerely impressive character roster with a mixture of convoluted gameplay and poor technical performance. If you're looking for indie Smash Bros., you're better off grabbing the Undertale and Cuphead costumes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and making the Shovel Knight Assist Trophy the only item.
Nintenderos September 22, 2020
Bounty Battle is a fighting game that has a lot of potential, but unfortunately the feeling after playing it is that it is incomplete. Rough animations, a framerate that can be improved and few game modes summarize its proposal, which we cannot recommend.
Nintendo Life September 10, 2020
Bounty Battle is one of the very worst video games we've ever played. It's got an amazing premise, for sure, and Dark Screen Games' has somehow managed to procure the use of all of these fantastic indie characters, but that's as far as the positivity goes. Everything else about this appalling mess is absolutely broken. Janky menus, awful combat, a shocking framerate, crude animations and poorly explained mechanics leave this one in a hole that's surely impossible to climb out of; a hole that should be boarded up and forgotten about. If you're considering picking this one up on the strength of that enticing indie Smash Bros. premise, trust us, run away.
Metro GameCentral September 11, 2020
A staggeringly inept attempt to clone Super Smash Bros. and populate it with indie characters, whose only achievement is to make you appreciate the real thing even more.