
Breathedge Critic Reviews

21 Total Reviews

14 Positive Reviews(66.7%)
7 Mixed Reviews(33.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Impulsegamer March 15, 2021
Breathedge is one of those games you can play casually at your own pace and doesn’t require long consecutive amounts of time to play. Sparring 15-20 minutes here and there is all that’s required for a steady progression through the game but still very enjoyable if you’ve got ample time up your sleeve as well. I highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys easter egg styled dad jokes or wants something oddly rewarding to play at a casual pace.
GameSpace February 26, 2021
Breathedge 1.0 is a fun, humorous free-form float through space. There's not a lot to complain about here as the game does the survival/collecting game genre proud. Wrap this up with some humorous storytelling that would make Deadpool proud and you have a bonafide winner!
Finger Guns February 27, 2021
It’s not very helpful at the start, and at times the comedy falls flat. But stick with Breathedge and there’s a surprisingly deep mechanic entwined with a Schafer-esque story adventure.
GameGrin March 4, 2021
Alcohol, chickens, kebabs, space and coffin robots in bowler hats. 1950s Soviet visual stylings and hamster smoothies. Mayonnaise, kebabs, flying ZAZ cars and laser blasters. There’s so much to love about this game. Buy it.
Cultured Vultures February 25, 2021
While not perfect, Breathedge is a fun spin on the survival formula that doesn't take itself too seriously.
GameSkinny March 12, 2021
Breathedge isn’t the greatest survival-crafting game out there, but it is one of the more unique. There are genuine moments of brilliance here. You have to look to find the better aspects of its storytelling and find a way around the aggravating narration, but dig deep enough, and you will find some amazing things.
Breathedge has great visuals, engaging story and good humor, but its survival elements prove to be more of a burden than something that enhances the experience.
Meristation April 13, 2021
Awesome when it’s about visual interface and immersion, but it has several design mistakes that slow down game’s rate. Luckily, losing oneself floating through the space it’s worth it while we unlock extras. It’s also a video game with many doses of humor and easy to keep players hooked to the main plot.
Multiplayer.it February 26, 2021
Breathedge is an atypical survival, which tries to do what subnautica did years ago, replacing water with outer space and with a non-sense narrative. Fun and stimulating in exploration, much less successful in its narrative component.
GameStar March 1, 2021
Breathedge is one crazy ride with a lot of fun, as a survival game it nevertheless doesn't tap its full potential in the second half.
PC Invasion February 25, 2021
Breathedge has a lot going for it in its well-loved Early Access sandbox portion. But when it becomes more of a walking simulator, things take a turn. Regardless, it's a funny game that's still worth playing for anyone who enjoys the concept and the humor. But I can't help but think that many will be disappointed by the later parts of the game.
IGN France February 25, 2021
Breathedge has its own qualities and problems and none is taking the lead on the other. You'll need to accept a few shortcomings to enjoy the breathtaking exploration of this survival game in beautiful, beautiful (and deadly) space. The only thing that can be scary is Redruins humor though.
Eurogamer Italy March 30, 2021
At times pure survival and sometimes a kind of story-driven adventure, Breathedge is a mixture which doesn't always work and that in different occasions has the fault of highlighting the main issues of its central genres. Despite all of this it's a funny and intriguing survival adventure really capable of engage every adventurer lost in space.
CD-Action November 15, 2021
In a nutshell, Breathedge is a Subnautica in space. While it’s not as good as the Unknown Worlds Entertainment’s masterpiece and would benefit from a better story, it’s still a solid survival game, real pretty and spiced up with absurd humor.
Riot Pixels April 1, 2021
Wearing travel, low-brow humor and the Chicken are, unfortunately, the most memorable parts of Breathedge.
Jeuxvideo.com April 9, 2021
Breathedge ultimately remains fairly classic in its survival mechanics and does not succeed in everything it undertakes in this area. It turns out to be rather repetitive and unfortunately quite timid in its call for exploration, a shame, given the beauty and originality of its yet attractive universe. In addition, the game also sins with some unfortunate choices regarding inventory management, the resource collection loop or the durability of equipment, too ephemeral. With a shift in tone at the midpoint, which relegates survival to the closet, the Breathedge experience is not always balanced, despite some real good ideas and a story that follows without displeasure, for a little one. about twenty hours.
The Indie Game Website April 30, 2021
While there’s some comfort in the repetitive routine of mining and seeking refuge back in your space liner, as you gradually chip away at your objectives, its endless gags and space jokes do get tedious very quickly.
Vandal March 9, 2021
Breathedge has a solid foundations and really good ideas, but also fails to make the most of it. The second half feels like a stretch, and some of the concepts are underutilized or, at least, not very well explained.
4Players.de March 15, 2021
Grueling solo survival with too many bits and pieces as well as unintuitive management and a short exploration leash.
KeenGamer March 8, 2021
Breathedge has a lot of potential, both in its gameplay and its writing, but ultimately it falls short in its current form. 'Subnautica…in SPACE!' feels like it should have been a slam-dunk, but frustrating gameplay loops, tired jokes and some questionable design decisions in the late game result in a distinctly average experience at best. Hopefully the team will be able to address some of the issues in future updates, but some of it may be beyond help.