Broken Age Critic Reviews
21 Total Reviews
19 Positive Reviews(90.5%)
2 Mixed Reviews(9.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Arcade Sushi
April 27, 2015
Double Fine promised a classic point-and-click title when it launched its crowd-funding campaign three long years ago, but the developer didn’t just rely on nostalgia. Instead, it made a game that captures the humor of the games Tim Schafer worked on at LucasArts while creating a modern aesthetic that totally suits the story.
PlayStation LifeStyle
April 27, 2015
Broken Age is a wonderful experience that I can’t recommend enough. As someone who grew up on the LucasArts-style adventure games of old Double Fine has pulled through with just enough nostalgia and modern aesthetic, offering up a fresh and funny classic in an age where blockbuster games rule the roost.
Game Informer
April 20, 2015
Taken as a whole creation, the game is as great on PlayStation as it is on PC.
God is a Geek
April 27, 2015
Incredibly polished, with gorgeous visuals and terrific voice acting, only some difficult late-game puzzles stop Broken Age from being the absolute pinnacle of the genre.
Game Rant
April 27, 2015
For those who haven’t tried point and click adventure games, it’s a great introduction to the genre; for those with more experience, well, they don’t get much better than this one.
PlayStation Universe
April 27, 2015
While Broken Age doesn't break much new ground in the genre, it does deliver a wonderfully enriching adventure that’s buoyed by sharp writing and likeable characters.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
April 28, 2015
I don’t want to hear that you don’t like point-and-clicks. You like beautiful things, and Broken Age is truly beautiful. And that’s all you really need to know.
May 4, 2015
Broken Age is a new masterpiece created by Tim Schafer and his talented team. If you love point and click games, this title is a must play.
We Got This Covered
May 7, 2015
Against all odds, Broken Age has proved to us that adventure games are all but dead, and that Double Fine and Tim Schafer still have the ability to surprise, astound, and humor us.
April 27, 2015
In its finished form, Broken Age is every bit the modern point-and-click classic its strong first act implied it would be. With an entertaining story and clever puzzles wrapped in a modern sensibility and impressive production values, Tim Schafer’s return to the genre that made him lives up to the high standard of his earlier work.
PSX Extreme
May 6, 2015
Broken Age is exactly what Schafer fans expect, which makes it an automatic success. The creativity and imagination is here in spades, the strict adventure style is prominent throughout (and it doesn’t deviate; there are no ill-inspired action sequences, for instance), and that atmosphere and charm ties it all together.
April 28, 2015
Broken Age is an adventure that will take you back to the golden age of the genre, an experience you cannot miss if you ever enjoyed this kind of games. After such a long development and so many backers we expected even more, but still the least you can do is checking it out.
Push Square
April 27, 2015
Broken Age makes an excellent case for why the adventure game genre deserves to exist in this medium. Indeed, it's a wonderfully charming title that really feels like a celebration of the point-and-click format. Sure, it doesn't necessarily do anything ground breaking, but it doesn't really need to.
May 4, 2015
Broken Age is a smart, charming and funny throwback to the adventure games of yore. The characters defines the game, and come to life through clever writing, great voice acting and a gorgeous visual style. What holds the experience back is mostly a lackluster ending and increasingly obscure puzzles, the type you kinda need a guide, or immense trial and error, to figure out.
May 4, 2015
Made and payed by fans, Broken Age is the best testimony of an era in which niche games go through the influence and approval of the community. The result is a solid title with calculated charm despite the lack of soul found in the classics of the genre.
May 11, 2015
Even with its flaws and a gameplay that could have been better, Broken Age shines thanks to its visuals and a superb dubbing, stating once again the love Tim Schafer and Double Fine implement in their games.
Hobby Consolas
May 4, 2015
A remarkable legacy for old school graphic adventures. It's a lazy port, but it keeps all its fun factor.
Playstation Official Magazine Australia
May 26, 2015
It's not the second coming of adventure games, but Broken Age is still a memorable jaunt.
Metro GameCentral
April 28, 2015
Clever, funny, and beautiful to look at, but this is a game of two halves and the second one is such a peculiar tonal shift in terms of gameplay that even the story suffers as a result.
Attack of the Fanboy
May 4, 2015
Broken Age showed a lot of promise in its development and in the first half from last year. However, illogical puzzles combine with an overall lack of new content in the back half to make for an overall middling experience.