
Burnout CRASH! Critic Reviews

49 Total Reviews

26 Positive Reviews(53.1%)
22 Mixed Reviews(44.9%)
1 Negative Reviews(2%)

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GameCritics December 2, 2011
From its simple premise Crash! delivers plenty of fun to reproduce a simple childhood joy.
Xbox World Australia October 3, 2011
Approach it as a puzzle game, not a driving game and you should be fine.
IncGamers September 21, 2011
It's a light game but with a lot of entertainment for 800 Microsoft Points, and while you might not play for hours at a trot I daresay you'll keep coming back to it. Burnout Crash doesn't quite have the weight for me to call it a must-have, but it's certainly a must-strongly-consider.
Destructoid September 21, 2011
If you can embrace Burnout Crash!'s design with open arms and wave the few annoyances away in the scope of a thousand retries, submit to the Autolog addiction with a bunch of friends, and devote yourself to hours upon hours of fighting for that high score, I can't recommend it enough. Still, Burnout Crash! can be entirely different things to different types of players.
GameWatcher September 26, 2011
It's a welcome addition to the franchise and one that slots perfectly into your gaming collection.
Eurogamer Italy October 3, 2011
Crash is not your typical every-day Burnout. It's just a simple and addicting arcade game that won't let you down until you sweat and bleed.
Gamereactor Denmark October 19, 2011
If you loved the crash mode in Burnout 3: Takedown, enjoy pinball machines (but pine for more control) or you're just a high score junkie, have no doubt: Burnout Crash is one to get.
Console Monster October 19, 2011
Overall Burnout Crash is a great addition to the Xbox LIVE Marketplace and for 800 MS Points it would be rude not to.
Game Chronicles October 10, 2011
Despite having no real online or real-time multiplayer, Burnout Crash is totally addicting and lends itself perfectly to that "just one more time" mentality that kept me up one night until sunrise.
SpazioGames September 26, 2011
An original and funny experience, allthough the name Burnout seems to be there just for the look of it. It's more like a clever puzzle game, and a well crafted one.
GamingExcellence September 28, 2011
Burnout Crash is an entertaining and exciting game, and if you're in the mood for some explosive fun, you will likely enjoy what Crash has to offer. Its large explosions and arcade like feel make it an accessible game to everyone. As warned though, don't let the Burnout title fool you, there isn't any racing in this game to be had. If you can get passed that one downside, Burnout Crash is an entertaining title that is enjoyable and accessible for gamers of any age.
Game Informer September 21, 2011
If you've got a lot of friends to compete against, Crash has a good amount of life in it. Otherwise, single-player doesn't take long to dry up.
Official Xbox Magazine September 21, 2011
It's a tasty appetizer that, while offering plenty of meat for the $10 asking price, only serves to intensify our hunger for the real thing.
IGN September 22, 2011
While the strange approach Criterion took with this bite-sized Burnout made me nervous, I am happy to report it is a lot of fun.
Gaming Nexus October 21, 2011
Burnout Crash is a proper multiplayer mode away from being most enjoyable downloadable title I've ever played.
Worth Playing November 14, 2011
It's not likely to set any records, but at the budget price of 800 MSP ($10 USD), anyone picking up this game is going to get their money's worth.
Impulsegamer October 19, 2011
Overall this is what an XBLA game should be a fun and addictive pick up and play game, if your favourite part of Burnout was the crash mode this may definitely be worth a look, there is value for money here and a very enjoyable game for a decent price.
Cheat Code Central September 21, 2011
The actual driving element is minimal, but if you like puzzle or arcade-style games, Burnout CRASH! is right up your alley. It's certainly charming and addictive, and for $10, it doesn't get a whole lot wrong. I'm just hoping that the next game that comes along with the Burnout name sticks a little closer to the roots of the series.
GameTrailers September 24, 2011
Tacked-on Kinect support is far from the only sign that Crash is not your typical Burnout game. But by focusing squarely on the type of play that the series is best known for, Crash successfully captures its spirit. You'll likely put it through its paces pretty quickly, but there are worse ways to spend 800 Microsoft points.
GamesRadar+ September 20, 2011
Quite a pleasant surprise. It's short, sweet, and compulsively addictive while it lasts. Better still, if you're all about chasing high scores and roundhouse-kicking your friends off the winner's pedestal, you can ring quite a bit of value from this one.