
Bushido Blade Critic Reviews

13 Total Reviews

12 Positive Reviews(92.3%)
1 Mixed Reviews(7.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Electric Playground June 7, 2024
Bushido Blade is a classic. The sequel for this fighter is already creating waves in Japan, so it shouldn't be too long before we're embroiled in an even more sophisticated adaptation of the most horrific of activities.
TotalGames.net June 7, 2024
More brutal than anything we've seen before on PlayStation, the open structure of the game and lack of energy bars are welcome additions to a genre which was frankly getting stale.
Gamezilla! June 7, 2024
This game is a definite winner and will make your blood pressure soar in excitement if you're a gamer who enjoys fighting. The realistic fighting, great graphics and entertaining story line deliver value for its price.
GameSpot June 7, 2024
Hard-core fighting-game fans should consider Bushido Blade a welcome breath of fresh air; it's a vastly different combat experience that makes for one of the classiest, most serious fighting games ever.
IGN June 7, 2024
It is a wholly unique game that requires a little practice, and maybe a little patience, but is ultimately so much more rewarding than the average beat em up. I can't recommend Bushido Blade enough. Simply amazing.
Gaming Maxx June 7, 2024
Once you get used to the unique style of play, it becomes second nature as any game does.
Game Revolution June 7, 2024
The kind of game that comes along only once in a long while. By pushing the boundaries of gaming, it has secured a warm spot in my jaded reviewers heart.
netjak June 7, 2024
The most I can say for Bushido Blade is that, despite the fact that I bought this PSX title in mid-1998, when I was a fresh-faced young lad in my freshman year of high school, it STILL gets pulled down every few months for some more play.
Games Domain June 7, 2024
Despite the problem of too much realism, I found that BB still keeps me playing. The relatively quick duels are addicting, even if many of them are determined by luck.
A fighting game unlike any other, Square's classic does away with such staple fighting game features as combos and life bars, replacing them with skill-based moves like one-hit kills.
All Game Guide June 7, 2024
Gets its roots from the very first game of its origin: "Bushido," a 2D, four-color PC title that had similar features such as the low, mid, and high attacks with weapons (mainly swords).
3D fighters didn't feature amputations before this inspired samu-riot.
Once you get to grips with the controls and get into a close fight it can get very exciting, and finishing an opponent with a perfectly-timed parry and counterattack is really satisfying. Unfortunately, most people won't want to spend the time it takes to get into Bushido Blade.