
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Critic Reviews

5 Total Reviews

4 Positive Reviews(80%)
1 Mixed Reviews(20%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameStar August 22, 2021
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 relies on established features. Ultimately, the simulation lacks innovations.
Game World Navigator Magazine November 30, 2021
There are some minor improvements here and there, but there’s no new big feature that screams – that’s where 3 years of development went. The only one reason to get CMS2021 for the full price is if you somehow missed the 2018 version.
Gamepressure September 11, 2021
Developers from the Polish studio Red Dot Games have chosen the path of slow evolution of their brand – I'm still waiting for a revolution. I wanted a shiny new car straight from the factory – instead I got a decent used car, which, albeit pretty and working, isn't that spectacular.
Games.cz October 4, 2021
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 is, more than anything else, a light remaster of the previous instalment. It’s really pretty and its minigames are fun, but if you’re looking for anything significantly new, you’ll be disappointed. If you own CMS2018 with all its DLCs, there’s little reason to switch to the new one.
Screen Rant August 16, 2021
Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 is a solid upgrade to the CMS series. All of the updated items and graphics will be a welcome addition to past players and a perfect place to start for new ones. It certainly isn't a game anyone would want to binge over a weekend, but any car repair fan will enjoy this one for years to come - or until the next instalment in the series, if it continues to evolve and adapt towards more detail-oriented play.