Carnivores: Ice Age Critic Reviews
10 Total Reviews
1 Positive Reviews(10%)
9 Mixed Reviews(90%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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April 29, 2024
Either you'll drop the whole thing, because it's too slow, it takes way too much time (even with a radar), and it's just not "Counter-Strike," or you'll decide to suck it in and try to master the craft by arming yourself not only with big guns, but with a whole lot of patience and alertness. Being that I had to review the game, I had no choice, but to go for Door No. 2. Otherwise, I would most likely choose Door No. 1.
Game Over Online
April 29, 2024
Even less, those hunters who have already experienced Carnivores won't see any weapons they haven't before, leaving only the animals and locales as new additions. This lack of new content will have Carnivores fans scratching their heads.
Electric Playground
April 29, 2024
After all this time and two tries at the genre, I hoped for something more.
Adrenaline Vault
April 29, 2024
The imbalance between the pace of the stalking compared with the near impossibility of the hunt once you actually spot a creature makes the gameplay more of a chore than anything else.
April 29, 2024
The only difference between Carnivores: Ice Age and the previous games is that there aren't any dinosaurs to shoot this time.
April 29, 2024
Positively prehistoric. Nevermind the pretty graphics, this sucker's more tiresome than a Discovery Channel marathon, and less stimulating too. Twenty bucks buys two minutes of exciting content for every twenty minutes of play... you do the math.
Daily Radar
April 29, 2024
All we can tell you is that the game has mediocre graphics, poor sound, stability problems, an awkward premise and a whole lot of standing around. It may be utterly realistic, although the lack of any falling damage and the fact that wooly rhinos can magically sprint up sheer cliff walls make us doubt it.
CNET Gamecenter
April 29, 2024
A good diversion for bored cyber-deer hunters itching for diverse creatures that stalk back, but it's obvious that this series is falling somewhat behind the curve.
Computer Games Magazine
April 29, 2024
The only thing it really adds to the Carnivores series is snow and hair, but if you enjoyed the previous hunting games and wanted more, then, well, here's more.
PC Gameworld
April 29, 2024
A decent game for hunting fans, although I still much prefer taking on the same species and having a bit more action.