
Castle Clout 3D Critic Reviews

3 Total Reviews

2 Positive Reviews(66.7%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
1 Negative Reviews(33.3%)

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Nintendo Life February 14, 2014
For fans of Angry Birds who are looking for a change of pace, or anyone who is craving a bit of relaxing fun, this castle is definitely worth crushing.
FNintendo July 3, 2014
Once set aside the easy temptation of comparing it to Angry Birds, Castle Clout 3D delievers what it promises in a varied way, even more so with two players. While there are several flaws to correct regarding the usage of the weapons and some camera issues to fix, this is a very entertaining and relatively long-lasting piece of work.
Cubed3 October 19, 2014
The only people that would really enjoy this are hardcore fans of the genre who want to see where it came from, or fans of the original who want it on their 3DS with a minimal 3D display.