Catherine Critic Reviews
61 Total Reviews
56 Positive Reviews(91.8%)
5 Mixed Reviews(8.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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July 19, 2011
In an era increasingly defined by developers' ever-growing fear of creating anything that isn't a safe, conservative million-seller, Atlus' willingness to create and publish something as unique as this is truly commendable. Best of all, it's not just a weird game -- it's a great one, too.
July 25, 2011
It's always nice to see a game developer breaking from the mold and Catherine does that in a huge way. Unfortunately the difficulty is going to alienate a very large amount of people. Tacked on with those who were alienated already when they found out this wasn't an RPG and it's not looking good. We only hope that this game will find the crowd that enjoys both the aggravation of the challenge and the developing storyline that forms the core of Catherine. There is a hell of an experience here if you only have the patience for it.
Cheat Code Central
July 27, 2011
Catherine is incredibly hard to put down, if only because of how well the story is written. You really want to see what happens to Vincent next, and with multiple endings and story paths, the game will keep you busy for multiple playthroughs.
Game Revolution
July 31, 2011
Its mature themes, both sexual and religious, never step beyond the bounds of vulgarity and are treated respectfully and provocatively: It's actually mature. For that alone, and paving the way for a new modern hybrid of video games, Catherine should not be forgotten to the lamen silence of the lambs.
The A.V. Club
July 31, 2011
The game makes excellent use of the mundane fare, with well-written and well-delivered dialogue that makes his suffering feel earnest.
July 13, 2011
I loved my time with Catherine. In many ways, I was completely blown-away by it. While I'm sure some gamers will be turned-off by its anime-style presentation and difficult gameplay, I implore those of you who are looking for something authentically different and outright fun to give Catherine a go.
July 19, 2011
A fantastic experience with a simple, fun and challenging arcade game at its core. It should not be missed by anyone who wants to enjoy a story with the emotional depth to match its adult themes and with multiple endings and side stories to resolve, there's a fair bit of inducement to return for a second or third pass. The action of the tower climbing is superb.
Digital Chumps
July 28, 2011
You wouldn't expect beers with friends and the moral complexity of infidelity to be suitable for an interactive medium, and you certainly wouldn't anticipate marrying those concepts to a box pushing puzzle game to materialize into anything remotely interesting. And you would have been wrong.
Gamer Limit
July 29, 2011
Catherine is a truly rare experience that combines arcade-style gameplay with one of the most engaging, emotional narratives seen in a videogame. While Atlus has done little to reconcile the game's disparate styles of play, it doesn't damage the overall experience. While the tower climbing sequences may not be for everyone, those that enjoy a good puzzle should seriously consider picking Catherine up.
August 3, 2011
Going through the story for the first time is an intriguing affair that ultimately makes you question the type of person you truly are, maybe even more than you'd like to admit. While the difficulty might be too much for some people to handle, it's an experience that is just as rewarding as it is punishing.
Worth Playing
August 10, 2011
Catherine may not be the Persona 5 that people were hoping for, but it's a good game in its own right.
Eurogamer Sweden
August 10, 2011
This is probably the first actual 'mature' videogame, dealing with issues such as insecurity, infidelity and marriage anxiety. Atlus manages to cleverly marry a narrative-based story with clever puzzle based platforms levels and delivers a highly enjoyable, but odd, game. Yes, the story turns weirder than a Hunter S. Thompson novel about half way through, but even that turn doesn't diminish the overall package. This is as close to a must-buy as it can get.
Eurogamer Italy
February 5, 2012
Catherine is an awesome game, an incredible cocktail of different kind of elements. Puzzle, adventure and dating simulator, this great experience from Atlus should be owned, or tried at least, by every single player out there.
BigPond GameArena
February 6, 2012
if you're a fan of the eccentricity of Japanese culture, like a mental challenge and reckon you have fingers dextrous enough to take the job on it will test your mettle and push your sanity to breaking point. It's equal parts frustration and exhilaration, completely intoxicating, almost impossible to walk away from and stays with you. If you're after something a little outside the box Catherine's the game for you.
February 8, 2012
A must-have, but not for everyone because of its strange story and puzzle gameplay. The story is only for mature audiences, and can only be understood by, and the "cube towers" are not accesible for all players. If you like the genre and the theme this is a game you will remember.
Eurogamer Germany
February 9, 2012
Catherine is a truly unique beast. Funny, dramatic and disarmingly
honest – for anyone
who has ever stood as a crossroads in his life it would be a huge
mistake to miss out on
this one. You yearn for more clever games? Vote with your wallet.
February 11, 2012
In Catherine, Atlus successfully combines a puzzle game with heavy emotions (and a large bit of surrealism). It's an important game, that might appeal to an older crowd.
February 28, 2012
Catherine, above all else, is an incredibly bold game. It's the black sheep (more puns) in a flock of all too similar games out there right now. It's smart, funny, well scripted, well animated and very fun to play.
October 17, 2012
A gorgeous hybrid. It's a puzzle-solving platformer and sexually-forced anime that's been combined into a well balanced title. The game is going to please the fans as well as it will whet nosy parkers appetite for actually playing it. It shows the Japanese developers know how to appeal to European and American gamers without giving away the bizarre ideas trademark.
PSX Extreme
July 29, 2011
Catherine is like nothing else but it doesn't succeed on originality alone. It features a spectacular puzzle concept, fast-paced and very rewarding gameplay, interesting characters and an effective story, and an atmosphere and style that's second-to-none.