February 27, 2009

CID the Dummy

CID the Dummy
Based on 1 Ratings
Based on 7 Reviews
Release date
February 27, 2009


In a world obsessed with safety, with potential danger around every corner. A world where the once lowly Crash Impact Dummy has risen to a position of great importance amongst us, responsible for crashing, smashing, checking and re-checking everything from lemonade to escalators; CID has been chosen for the mission of a life time. A chance to crash and smash with real purpose, to battle the most fierce robot villain, a chance to rescue the most beautiful girl in the world… a chance to do something amazing! With high speed crashes, turbo-charged weapons, kung-fu fighting, mind-boggling puzzles and level systems and more monsters than you can shake a super-charged fire-blazing bazooka at. Join CID to save the world, the day and the girl in this years most daring adventure. CID The Dummy – Save the world, the day and the girl! [Oxygen Games]

CID the Dummy Trailer

CID the Dummy Screenshots137

Critic Reviews7

A solid game, if a bit too average for today’s standards.
May 14, 2024
With extremely dated graphics, poor sound, archaic mechanics, and a loser of a plot, this game just doesn't measure up to any standard. This dummy just needs to crash and be done with it.
May 14, 2024
CID The Dummy is a rather disappointing experience and a prime example of the recent trend of “shovelware” that seems to have befallen the Wii. There are little to no discernable areas of good quality in the game and at best it may pass an hour or two before you become at best confused and at worst utterly completely frustrated.
May 14, 2024

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