
Cities: Skylines Critic Reviews

60 Total Reviews

59 Positive Reviews(98.3%)
1 Mixed Reviews(1.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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CalmDownTom March 10, 2015
I could go on all day about Cities: Skylines, much like I could go on all night playing it. It has restored my faith in the City Building Simulator genre. It’s everything that fans of the genre were hoping for and more.
The Escapist March 10, 2015
The finest city builder in over a decade, Cities: Skylines's few flaws are so minor I only noticed them after hours of enjoyment.
Ragequit.gr March 29, 2015
Cities: Skylines is everything we expected but never got from the Simcity series. Craving for a city sim resulted in ignoring the faults and shortages of the latter, something that is emphasized by Skylines' brilliance. The game shines with an extreme attention to detail spanning from macro to micromanagement and provides huge space where you can build your city.
DarkStation May 27, 2015
This game managed to be everything I had hoped it would be and then some, with all the wonderful attention to little details and customization options. Fans of the genre wont want to miss this one.
IncGamers March 10, 2015
The city builder is back! Colossal Order has succeeded where others have failed. Cities: Skylines is a brilliant game.
Gaming Nexus March 10, 2015
Cities: Skylines brings the city building genre back after its near demise from other series' flawed game releases. The inclusion of large game maps, natural resources management, addictive progression system, and all of it running at a near-flawless technical performance make Cities: Skylines the new standard in city building games.
Pelit (Finland) May 13, 2015
Cities: Skylines teaches SimCities a trick or dozen.
Everyeye.it March 9, 2015
It's simply the best city builder out there. The guys from Colossal Order literally outperformed themselves with this sequel.
Multiplayer.it March 10, 2015
Cities: Skylines is a great city builder, the best one on the market nowadays.
PCGamesN March 10, 2015
Cities: Skylines is absolutely the best city-builder I’ve played since SimCity 4. From macro to micro, from the sprawling transport networks and city-wide policies to the fine-tuned districts and street-level detail, it impresses.
Destructoid March 10, 2015
Cities: Skylines is a title that will eat up hours of your time, and with a commitment from the developers to continue support for the title in the future, and Steam Workshop integration, the huge amount of replayability the base game has will become even bigger. I wholeheartedly recommend this game and can’t wait to see what modders and Colossal Order have in store for us in the future.
Hooked Gamers March 10, 2015
I may have failed beautifully in managing my city, but Cities: Skylines allows me to create a vast, complex ecosystem of a city that I can call my own, and it does so with style and grace.
Gamestyle March 11, 2015
The best city building game since the heydays of the 90’s when SimCity ruled supreme.
God is a Geek March 13, 2015
Skylines opens up the genre to players old and new with a user-friendly interface, intricately designed mechanics and enormous maps for maximum player creativity. One of the best.
ActionTrip March 13, 2015
The most fascinating aspect of Cities: Skylines is how much your city feels like it is a living, breathing entity, and it’s not just the unique life your citizens will bring to the region.
GamesVillage.it March 18, 2015
This is what SimCity should have been. Simply, the best city builder so far, with great support for modders and a lot of fun for all fans of the genre.
Attack of the Fanboy March 19, 2015
Cities: Skylines is how city-building games ought to be. It's fun, it's pretty, it's easily approachable, yet, difficult to master. It doesn't have all the features that one might dream of in the perfect city-building simulator, but it does absolute wonders with what it does have.
3DJuegos March 20, 2015
Cities: Skyline is one of the best modern city-builder games right now. Its support to the modder community will bring us great joys.
Gamer.nl March 23, 2015
Cities: Skylines is a great citybuilder that makes us forget SimCity, even though it hurts a little. It is big and beautiful, plus we love the controls, but it does come with some annoying bugs.
The Digital Fix March 26, 2015
It’s a shame that Maxis folded the way it did, but the baton has been passed. Rejoice, mini-mayors, for the city-builder is born anew.