
Clock Tower 3 Critic Reviews

28 Total Reviews

16 Positive Reviews(57.1%)
11 Mixed Reviews(39.3%)
1 Negative Reviews(3.6%)

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Cheat Code Central May 6, 2024
The graphic violence is shocking. The story is captivating and the disturbing scenes are sure to make even hardcore gamers a little queasy.
Game Informer May 6, 2024
If you like the genre or really graphic material (the first three hours are especially disturbing), Clock Tower 3 is a no-brainer.
GameNow May 6, 2024
Other than the lame enemy A.I. and the sometimes wacky camera, the major downside to Clock Tower 3 is its short playtime. But it's very fun while it lasts.
Yahoo! May 6, 2024
It utterly breaks the subdued mold of the series.
GamePro May 6, 2024
The strong story and voice acting make the game a must play, but the skimpy replay value leaves something to be desired.
Four Fat Chicks May 6, 2024
As breathtaking as Clock Tower 3 is to look at, the gameplay is somewhat ... blah. I think it was the sameness of it all—find an item, return said item to its owner, watch incredibly gorgeous cutscene, meet up with mentally unbalanced mini-boss, destroy him/her ... lather, rinse, repeat.
GameZone May 6, 2024
A relatively short but enjoyable game that has its share of rough areas here and there, but do not let that keep you away from a game that is a ghastly good time.
IGN May 6, 2024
Rough around the edges in terms of gameplay (especially when fighting against bosses) and a little on the short side, it's still one of the scariest things we've played in quite some time.
Games Radar May 6, 2024
Short, confusing, ugly to handle and curious, but still has an undeniable eerie charm that will get under your skin.
Gamezilla! May 6, 2024
Even at the later stages of the game, it seemed quite easy to progress, offering little challenge.
GamingWorld X May 6, 2024
The Capcom/Resident Evil influences are obvious (right down to the "woman fetching water" statue found in the Art Gallery of the original RE), and it may sound like it's shallow, but Clock Tower 3 is yet original enough to hold it's own against the competition, thanks to the original set of play mechanics and a vibe all it's own.
Electric Playground May 6, 2024
I must say the game's emotional impact is undeniable, and it kept me filled with terror every time I turned on my PS2... Oh, and something else. This game has the most appallingly violent cutscenes you will ever see.
GameSpot May 6, 2024
Clock Tower 3's movie portions are stronger than the gameplay that underpins them, and the result is a game that you'll probably want to finish more for its storyline than for the fun you'll have actually playing it.
TotalGames.net May 6, 2024
But the puzzles are rarely that puzzling, the enemies aren’t frightening in either their appearance or their behaviour and only the game’s novel use of the ancient lock/key conundrum makes it stand out.
PSM Magazine May 6, 2024
A good attempt to innovate the survival horror genre that doesn't deliver nearly enough depth to wholly satisfy.
PSX Nation May 6, 2024
Too short, its puzzles are laughably easy, it's too expensive for the limited replay value it offers and it doesn't break any new ground for the survival horror genre.
With its hokey, R.L. Stein thrills, much of the game feels like survival-horror lite for the campfire storytelling set.
GameCritics May 6, 2024
While the game starts off on the right foot with a dark tale of schoolgirls, slaughter, and restless spirits, it immediately trips over the other foot with a range of directorial issues an overall lack of focus.
GameSpy May 6, 2024
Another problem with the gameplay is the surprising simplicity of it. Sure, there are puzzles to solve, but they rarely require any sort of deep thinking.
Play Magazine May 6, 2024
As an experience of mood and horror - the villain delivers scenes of shocking violence - CT III works.