
Cocoon Critic Reviews

43 Total Reviews

39 Positive Reviews(90.7%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Eurogamer September 28, 2023
It's a short game, and quite a painless one, then, but it feels dense: rich and imaginative and the result of some insatiable curiosity for putting things together in new ways. Even at the end of the adventure, five or six hours in, Cocoon was happy to introduce a new mechanic. By which I mean, of course, it was happy to wordlessly teach it, complicate it, turn it inside out and then twist it into something almost unimaginable. I'm sorry to be vague, but you need to see this for yourself. There are no easy words, but also seeing it, witnessing such clarity and ingenuity, is where the pleasure lies.
GamesRadar+ September 28, 2023
Not to get too lofty, but you know how a musician's ears have been trained to pick up elements in music – I honestly felt like that during the last stretch of Cocoon's puzzles. I knew what the game wanted from me and I followed. It's a silent language that you learn to translate. Cocoon cuts out all the noise, and the result is one of the best puzzle adventure games of 2023. I've learned to pick up Cocoon's silent harmonies, and they're beautiful.
Gamereactor UK September 28, 2023
Few games have fascinated me the way Cocoon does with its metre-thick atmosphere and reality-distorting challenges. It's an alien among its earthly peers, and even when it draws on a classic series like The Legend of Zelda, it twists the concepts we know so well, such as requiring you to diligently travel between worlds in a split-second. Some games mesmerise you with their breadth and almost hubristic level of ambition. Cocoon does this by perfectly executing its tight focus - just as its role model Portal did twice more than a decade ago.
Gamer.nl October 11, 2023
It makes Cocoon the ultimate example of what a game should strive for: full of puzzles and a strange world to intrigue you, perfectly folded into a final product where it is unclear where the world ends and the user interface begins. It's a game that requires no tutorials or explanations - playing it is as natural as riding a bike. Despite this simplicity, a complex game quickly forms that will haunt your mind for a long time. Cocoon is a game that we can point to for years to come as an example of a perfect puzzle game.
Hey Poor Player October 11, 2023
The closest to a negative thing I can say about COCOON is that I wish there were more of it. I wish I could forget everything I know about it so that I could experience it again for the first time. That those moments of jaw-dropping awe could hit as hard as they did my first time through. While I can’t have those moments back, though, you can still experience them. If you haven’t played COCOON yet, they’re still waiting for you to find them.
Digital Chumps September 28, 2023
Cocoon is a deeply special game that gushes with expertise from the talented minds that programmed it. By constantly expanding upon the unique mechanic of layered world-hopping, players are gifted with an absolute darling of a puzzle game. Cocoon is one that is rarely meant to stump with obtuse solutions, instead becoming a constantly evolving challenge that travels through spectacular alien worlds and rewarding moments. I never wish to be lost in puzzle games, merely wrapped up. Cocoon is a metamorphosis, one to be gladly wrapped in.
The Indie Informer September 28, 2023
Cocoon is one of this year’s brightest gems — both form and function dazzle. I can only begin to guess at what its conclusion means, but that didn’t hinder my appreciation in the slightest. Masterful design, stunning environments, brilliant concepts, intuitive gameplay, it all adds up to an unmissable experience.
Press Start Australia September 28, 2023
Cocoon’s focus on recursive exploration, which sees you peel back the filmic overlay of several coexisting realities to writhe in the depth of their fathoms-deep trickery, is incredibly intelligent in its design and is truly the most technically impressive puzzle game I’ve played since perhaps Portal. And it achieves all of this whilst sharing clear genetics with its forerunners.
IGN September 28, 2023
Cocoon is one to remember. This puzzle adventure builds on ideas from Limbo and Inside and creates a mind-bending, world-warping adventure unlike either of them.
God is a Geek September 28, 2023
Cocoon is a beautifully designed puzzler with some fascinating ideas woven throughout the fabric of the world.
Easy Allies September 28, 2023
In all, Cocoon lasts about four to five hours, and it twists your brain up in knots the further you go. Despite its heady concepts, puzzle solutions never feel too frustrating or obscure, and interacting with different objects feels tangible and tactile. It’s mesmerizing from beginning to end, tightly crafted and wonderfully creative. If anything, the succinct length just means that there’s no excuse to let this one pass you by.
XboxEra September 28, 2023
Cocoon is an impeccably designed game that stands as a shining example of how this medium alone can teach mechanics and intent without saying or displaying a single word. Any players who prefer to solve problems with their brain and not a gun, should without delay, go forth and discover the many beautiful worlds of Cocoon. The choice, and indeed, the world(s), is in your hands.
Game Rant September 28, 2023
It has incredible art design and presentation, is so cleverly designed, and has a pace that makes it hard to put down once things get going. The surface-level view of the game is unassuming but digging into the worlds of Cocoon reveals an experience that is unforgettable.
Multiplayer.it September 28, 2023
COCOON is a demonstration of how elegance always passes from simplicity, stemming from a clear idea of what you are. COCOON is not an adventure with strong narrative traction; it does not want to put violent dynamics at the center of the gameplay; it does not push the player to lap his brain for hours on seemingly unsolvable puzzles. COCOON is a work that is reduced to bone and, for this reason, wins; it is an elegant dance between worlds, capable of never being cloying; is an experience that focuses on the purely animal ability to analyze the environment and the available resources to find an efficient solution in any given situation.
GameSpot September 28, 2023
Cocoon, as the name suggests, is a game about self-evolution. From the moment you emerge from the womb-like structure at the game's beginning, pushing forward and learning are your primary focuses--even if what you're ultimately accomplishing feels a bit unclear. But it's also about how the self is but a small part of life--how entire worlds can fit in an insect's tarsal segments. From its puzzles to its visuals, Cocoon is a beautiful game filled with brilliance and meaning, delivered in a subtle yet unforgettable way.
PC Gamer October 2, 2023
A puzzle adventure of rare ingenuity that thrives on its tactility as much as its design.
Edge Magazine October 5, 2023
Crucially, though, it understands that such grandeur means little if what lies beyond doesn't reward both your curiosity and the lengths to which you've gone to unlock it. On that front, Cocoon is a triumph.
IGN France October 6, 2023
Mastery and good ideas lead to excellence for Cocoon.
COGconnected October 10, 2023
If you enjoy exploration, puzzler games like Journey, then Cocoon is the closest cousin yet. The game exudes charm and is a joy to play. If you are tired or need a break from games that require full concentration or fast reflexes, then Cocoon is definitely worth a look. We all need palette cleansers from time to time, and Cocoon is a splendid choice to do so.
GameOver.gr October 17, 2023
The puzzle experience that Cocoon delivers is truly one of kind, thanks to the concept of worlds within worlds which is used for a diverse selection of clever puzzles that are a joy to solve.