July 27, 2007

Combat Mission: Shock Force

Combat Mission: Shock Force
Based on 15 Reviews
Release date
July 27, 2007


At it's core, Combat Mission: Shock Force is a military simulation depicting a hypothetical near-future conflict in Syria following a fundamentalist coup d’état. As in Afghanistan 2001, the radical new government's refusal to shut down major terrorist organizations and its' regional destabilizing effect, compel NATO Coalition forces into action. The initial release of Combat Mission: Shock Force focuses on the actions of the US Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCT) and Heavy Brigade Combat Teams (HBCT) as they fight against Syrian Army Infantry, Mechanized and Armored units. Combat Mission: Shock Force also features Unconventional Threat forces such as terrorists, spies, suicide bombers, IED's and other deadly tools employed in the asymmetric warfare of the modern day. Along with the standard Red vs. Blue engagements typified in most wargames, Combat Mission: Shock Force will also allow players to fight Red vs. Red (Syria vs. Syria) and Blue vs. Blue (NATO vs. NATO) battles as well. [Battlefront.com]

Combat Mission: Shock Force Trailer

Combat Mission: Shock Force Screenshots13

Critic Reviews15

Even diehard grognards may be turned off by its complex interface and esoteric control panels, and newbies will be frustrated to no end.
May 10, 2024
Combat Mission says good-bye to WWII, but hello to an inept interface, broken AI, and hideous visuals.
May 10, 2024
I don't think I've enjoyed a wargame as much this one since I played the original Combat Mission game all those years ago. If you have an interest in simulating realistic modern warfare, and specifically seeing how the new Stryker concept would fare in battle, you can't go wrong with Combat Mission: Shock Force.
May 10, 2024

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