
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight Critic Reviews

71 Total Reviews

36 Positive Reviews(50.7%)
32 Mixed Reviews(45.1%)
3 Negative Reviews(4.2%)

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Games Master UK May 16, 2024
C&C4 feels much more refined as a result of these changes - as though great pains have been made to nudge the series into new territory. It's all the better for it, feeling like a breath of fresh air.
GamingXP May 16, 2024
Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight is an appropriate ending for such a huge franchise. You get some good old stories and a number of new refreshing features.
Gamers.at May 16, 2024
Tiberian Twilight plays like a mix between Supreme Commander and Dawn of War - only that with C&C the video sequences and Joseph D. Kucan aka Kane the story has to offer a lot more.
GamePro May 16, 2024
The developers are trying to take the franchise in an interesting new direction, and the fruit of their labor is worth checking out.
Gamereactor Sweden May 16, 2024
We love the year 2062. It's full of great battles between the archrivals GDI and NOD and we get to control both of them. Thank you EA for both being innovative and true to the franchises roots.
Total PC Gaming May 16, 2024
Brings some innovations to the genre, but loses some strategic hear to become more accessible.
Gamereactor Denmark May 16, 2024
The single-player campaign is fairly short, but excellent multiplayer makes up for it. Lots of variation and solid RTS gameplay for anyone who makes it past the embarrassingly bad first act. A return to form for the series.
Cynamite May 20, 2024
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight is a good strategy game. But brilliant gameplay is foiled by poor cut scenes and a mediocre story.
Level7.nu May 20, 2024
In the fourth and presumed final entry in the Command & Conquer saga EA chose to stir things up a bit. We're still treated to the cheesy tongue in cheek full motion video of series fame, but everything related to the actual gameplay has been modified into a much more action oriented formula. The simplified nature of the campaign is no home run, and only one multiplayer mode feels a bit on the cheap side, but co-op support in the main campaign makes this a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
Game Informer May 20, 2024
C&C 4 is not without redeeming qualities, and in the right situation it offers something truly unique to the RTS genre. I have no doubt that there will be gamers who fall head-over-heels for its tightly engineered co-op design. The binding dependence on teammates can be a pain, though, and legacy issues like bad keyboard shortcuts and unit AI persist. I can recommend the game, but only to a certain style of gamer and only with a handful of caveats.
GameStar May 20, 2024
The Tiberium saga ends while hitting rock bottom, being just a fast-food game without any depth. It’s not a bad game, but feels like any other game of the genre.
Play.tm May 20, 2024
It's clear that EA are onto something with their new-age C&C formula but, as it stands, the core needs a little work. The series, once the most explosive game of the medium, looks like it's going out with a whimper.
Impulsegamer May 20, 2024
In conclusion, it’s good to see EA move away from resource gathering and try something different and although it does take a little time getting use to, it’s a refreshing change of pace for an RTS game.
GameZone May 20, 2024
The completely revamped gameplay might turn off some fans of the series and the story isn’t quite what it should be for the end of a chapter in the Command & Conquer universe, but there is a lot of perks and upgrades to be found here for those that stick with this radical departure from the series’ mechanics.
GamerNode May 20, 2024
C&C4 tries to deliver on all its features, but only does the multiplayer and online functionality well. Playing the game on your own exposes an experience that isn't well put together and screams to be played in co-op or online with friends.
BigPond GameArena May 20, 2024
Once embraced and understood, I actually enjoyed the multiplayer more than SupCom 2, RUSE, and yes, even the Starcraft 2 beta. But singleplayer was like a tour of the worst parts of strategy games in the '90s, and hardly a fitting end to the Tiberium saga.
IGN May 20, 2024
But the inconsistent and ultimately disappointing campaign and awkward unlock system restricts the game to the realm of the good but non-essential.
GameTrailers May 20, 2024
Ultimately, Tiberian Twilight is merely a C&C game by association; not the most terrible of fates for an otherwise solid RTS game, but certainly a bittersweet one for the franchise faithful expecting more.
PC Gamer May 20, 2024
A nasty catch to playing C&C4 is having to log into EA’s servers before launching the game, even for single-player. Considering that EA recently shut down servers for the less than two-year-old Mercenaries 2, I’m not enthusiastic about buying a product that depends on active servers to play. The multiplayer battles are good enough fun once you’ve ranked up, but a potentially short-lived service is a dagger dangling over our heads.
NZGamer May 20, 2024
This game feels like a shadow of its predecessors and is only saved by the phenomenal impetus this series already has.