Concord players are attempting to level up in a desperate attempt before the servers close in 2 days.
This morning, 35 Steam users, including myself, opened Concord and played a few games in Rivalry. Rivalry is a competitive mode that gives the most XP. After waiting five minutes (I was also in line with PS players), I finally got to play a match.
In a matter of seconds, the first game was over when the enemy team threw themselves into the water just below the spawn, killing them instantly. This isn't a glitch or a bunch of sad players. Players are trying to earn as much XP before Sony takes Concord off the market in a few days. The best way to achieve this is to kill themselves in Rivalry.
The enemy team continued to kill themselves for all four rounds. This meant that my team won without any elims or damage. I won the game and got 15,000 XP. I was able to level up in just one game. It's a really smart idea. You can earn a lot of XP without spending more than a few minutes in the game. The queue times are longer than the actual matches.
Not all of my matches were as easy as my first. In the second Rivalry game I played, the opposing team chose death by firing-squad over jumping off a nearby hill. After a few minutes, my team realized that we weren't going to be playing a game. We went looking for the enemy and found them standing still at their spawn point. We quickly killed them. My teammates and I went straight to the enemy's spawn point to kill them in the following rounds instead of wasting time with the objective.
Not everyone has given in, however. I had a couple of matches where at least some people tried to take the game seriously. Some players stayed seated while others ran to the map edge. However, one or two of them put up a good battle.
In a Rivalry game where my entire team was AFK, I tried to fight back but only managed to kill two people per round. This obviously wasn't good enough to win. I also got the impression from my teammates that I was dragging things out and obstructing them in their get-rich quick hack. Even so, a loss gave me another 15,000 experience points, and I managed to reach three levels within five games.
Not everyone has had success with this new approach. "I've only been doing this crap for an hour, and I only went from Level 45 to 46, I am NOT going to get this Platinum, bro," a player said on Twitter. Some players try to level up quickly in order to platinum the game.
If you reach level 100, it means that you have essentially completed the entire game. PS players will receive a platinum trophy in recognition of their hard work. It's a trophy that only 0.1% of players are able to earn. The trophy is also called "Living Legend," and some players have found it quite fitting. "Ironic that this is the best trophy name for one person who Platinum'd Concord," said one player on Twitter.
It's not just about the platinum trophy. You can also get free cosmetics and other items by upgrading your account. Concord has a lot of cool customisable features. Some of the skins for heroes, such as the Freegunner outfits look fantastic. The weapon charms and skins are great, but I think my favourite customisable product is the business card.
It's like a standard name card, except you can change the background. You can create a unique card by choosing different icons, backgrounds and sidebars. You can also choose a motto, such as "Bad For You, Good For Business" or "Tighten Those Buns, Let's Get It Done", and decide which two stats to display next to it on the card. I have my elims, damage dealt and headshots. You can also put your 6+ kill streaks, headshots and more.
Currently, you can unlock all of these custom items with playtime. Concord may make a comeback if it manages to become a free-to play game. This means that these customisable items could be locked behind a paid-for paywall.
If you're looking to spend a few hours with friends, get some cool skins or have fun watching players throw themselves off the side, you still have a couple of days left.