The Conduit

The Conduit is a first-person action shooter that promises to provide some of the best visuals seen to date on Nintendo's Wii gaming console. Using their proprietary Quantum 3 Game Engine technology, the team at High Voltage Software fuses fast and fluid gameplay with an advanced set of visuals intended to squarely establish the Wii as a true next-generation gaming platform. The first-person shooter boasts a competitive online multiplayer component and a thrilling single-player campaign. Advanced graphical features include dynamic environment mapping, interactive water with real-time reflection, and four-stage texture composition including gloss, diffuse, and bump mapping. Featuring terrifying alien creatures, an advanced Artificial Intelligence System, and a rich, conspiracy-laden story, The Conduit has more than a pretty face. The Conduit's control scheme was carefully designed from the ground up with the Wii in mind, as were each of the weapons in the extensive armory, providing gameplay not possible on other platforms. As Secret Service Agent Ford, you must learn to master each of these weapons as well as the special "All Seeing Eye" device to defeat enemies, solve puzzles, and unravel the game's mysteries. [High Voltage Software]