
Contra: Rogue Corps Critic Reviews

26 Total Reviews

6 Positive Reviews(23.1%)
15 Mixed Reviews(57.7%)
3 Negative Reviews(11.5%)

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PlayStation LifeStyle September 25, 2019
Despite my initial hesitation, I found myself really digging Contra: Rogue Corps. My fears that it looked like a cheap, grody-looking, nothing game trying to cruise on a classic IP ended up being completely unfounded.
Hobby Consolas September 23, 2019
Rogue Corps keeps the classic Contra flavour; It is fast, fun and spectacular, but we miss some game modes (specially coop campaign) and there are some technical issues, such as camera position, frame rate and control scheme.
Video Chums September 24, 2019
Of course, not everyone will enjoy Contra: Rogue Corps but I certainly did. Between its crazy presentation and challenging gameplay, it's definitely a tough game to put down. If you're looking for a more classic Contra formula then play Blazing Chrome instead.
Hardcore Gamer September 23, 2019
Contra: Rogue Corps tries to maintain the essence of Contra while changing the gameplay mechanics into something that doesn’t remotely resemble classic Contra. It plays more like Smash TV cosplaying as Contra with several nods to classic Contra titles. In the end, anyone wanting a return to the glory of 2D Contra won’t find it here, but removing expectations of what Contra should be will find a great deal of entertainment. The intro mission establishes that this is a title that doesn’t take itself seriously; it’s simple, over the top dumb fun with nonstop carnage and some dark humor. The characters, enemies and scenarios are all ridiculous but that is what makes the game so enjoyable.
Areajugones September 23, 2019
Konami returns with a new game of its most iconic saga that, although it respects the great doses of action that characterize the franchise, has a series of imperfections that stand in its design and, therefore, in the experience of the player. Despite this, Contra: Rogue Corps can be a worthy proposal if viewed from the right perspective and, above all, if enjoyed in the company of a friend.
Wccftech October 1, 2019
The more I played Contra: Rogue Corps, the more I could recognize its flaws yet at the same time, I was strangely transfixed by those fleeting moments of being an action badass with the right weapons, only for my dreams to be swiftly dashed as those weapons overheated and I was mobbed to death by giant alien bugs.
IGN Spain September 23, 2019
A game that arrives a generation late. Improvable in all aspects except his cooperative and his thug style.
Gamersky September 24, 2019
This game definitely will let you down if you used to be a fan of Contra series.
Shacknews September 30, 2019
Contra: Rogue Corps may not get high marks for reinvigorating the Contra series, nor does it innovate or do anything exceptionally well. But a game that you enjoy playing doesn't have to, and I found myself enjoying this raucous shooter more than I thought I would. It may have its own fair share of problems, but its low price and low barrier entry make it a serviceable and potentially hilarious time to be had solo or with your friends. Just drop the Contra from the title if it bothers you so much and give it a try.
COGconnected September 24, 2019
The player will be doing a lot of the same in Contra: Rogue Corps. Although the progression systems and multiple modes are welcome, the game is just ok, and it definitely doesn’t feel like Contra. If the price was less it would be a good budget title, but for Konami’s newest Contra offering, it just doesn’t cut the mustard.
3DJuegos October 8, 2019
Against: Rogue Corps is a twin-stick shooter with too many problems to achieve a more than satisfactory experience.
4Players.de September 27, 2019
Visually dowdy, full of grind and filled with daft decisions for the couch co-op. Even if you are a hardcore-fan of the franchise, you don’t need this. Even less, if you are looking for a decent twinstick shooter.
Everyeye.it September 23, 2019
Rogue Corps is an admittedly arduous and ferocious adventure, but the satisfaction in reaching the credits unfortunately collapses under the weight of frustration.
Push Square September 24, 2019
The only real accolade you can award this run-of-the-mill release is that it’s inoffensive, but even then it’s almost offensively inoffensive – if you get what we mean. An unwieldy upgrade system, which sees you augmenting body parts to each of the four heroes, adds a bit of character to proceedings – but it’s somewhat cumbersome and confusing. You may eke some fun out of the ostentatious action playing with buddies both online and offline, but there are better games to backdrop your banter. The panda’s pretty rad, we suppose.
The addition of a couch-play co-op mode with its own story is nice, but the procedurally generated maps lack the finesse of the main story. Rogue Corps is an odd release. It’s not Contra enough for fans but just about fun enough for the casual shooter crowd.
LaPS4 December 22, 2019
If you expect a game that respects the beginnings of the saga, you won't find it here. Against ROGUE CORPs is a shooting video game that at the technical level is a disaster, it lacks a more polished and precise control, as well as a huge swing in terms of weapons. Nor does it stand out in terms of enemies and scenarios, both things are repeated too much, so much that sometimes one does not know if he has exceeded the level or if or is doing back. While it has certain interesting and fun moments, it is a title that is not worth it at all. If you want to experience the Contra saga at its best, you have a pack of Contra games that you can buy from the PS Store.
Jeuxvideo.com September 23, 2019
Evolving from the gun’n’run type to the shoot’em up genre, Contra Rogue Corps misses too many shots. Everything looks like it’s 10 years late, from visuals to gameplay mechanics and sound design.
Slant Magazine September 23, 2019
Perhaps its efforts to fit in with the big dogs of the gaming world would be more tolerable if there were more variety to its challenges.
IGN September 23, 2019
Contra: Rogue Corps is one of the worst games in the revered franchise and does a poor job of reviving the series for a modern audience by switching genres and failing to deliver.
We Got This Covered September 30, 2019
Although it may be a very bad Contra entry, Rogue Corps isn't a total wash. The upgrade system provides decent customization, and the gameplay is serviceable, but far from extraordinary. It's just not what you want from the long-buried franchise.