March 26, 2020

Control: The Foundation

Control: The Foundation
Based on 365 Ratings
Based on 22 Reviews


The Foundation Expansion includes new story content and side missions as well as new weapons and mods inspired by the Oldest House's mysterious origins. The Astral Plane is colliding with our reality. Jesse Faden, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Control, must travel through the caverns of the Foundation to prevent the Astral Plane from consuming the Oldest House. The missing Head of Operations, Helen Marshall, may hold some answers to the mysteries surrounding this threat...

Control: The Foundation Trailer

Control: The Foundation Screenshots7

Control Series Games

August 27, 2019
March 26, 2020
Control: The Foundation
August 27, 2020
Control: AWE

Critic Reviews22

Both DLCs are mainly there to shed more light on the fantastic world of the original game - and to act as promises of future games. You won’t have as much fun actually playing them, though, mainly due to the frustrating combat.
October 23, 2020
Vice Vice
A satisfying new chapter that develops the story of 'Control' but doesn't add much to the playground.
April 21, 2020
For the most part I loved/am loving the expansion with the only issue I have being a pretty major one. At the point of writing this, I was quite happily playing along and have had the game crash twice, the first I was able to escape from by using a bit of Alt Tabbery… but the second time that would not release me from the game, no crash report, nothing. Control Alt Del did very little but by using the windows key I was able to bring up the start menu and though I couldn’t do much there I was able to restart the computer. I’m not currently keen to jump back in, preferring to wait to see if there’s a patch, but I would love to continue playing in the world of Control and that’s testament to the game world Remedy have created. If you share my love for the game world, the story, the whole feel for Control then I’m sure you will want to get The Foundation!
April 6, 2020

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