
Crash Twinsanity Critic Reviews

38 Total Reviews

15 Positive Reviews(39.5%)
21 Mixed Reviews(55.3%)
2 Negative Reviews(5.3%)

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Play Magazine May 30, 2024
Creating a gamer's game through and through, Traveller's Tales has delivered a 60 fps cartoon epic without sacrificing expanse, dwarfing boss encounters or vivid effects by skillfully balancing model and environment integrity with performance.
Gaming Target May 30, 2024
Whoever got the idea that being good was bad and that being bad was good wasn't as smart as the person who thought being good and bad at the same time was where it's at.
Yahoo! May 30, 2024
Splendid stage architecture, superb puzzle planning, and, yes, even the odd snide remark give it way more charm than most competitors. Despite limited replay value and slight conceptual deja vu, the title will entertain all age groups.
Game Chronicles May 30, 2024
Crash’s current developer Traveller’s Tales does the series great justice by adding new elements like free-roaming environment and three very noticeable new gameplay mechanics, but all in all, it’s the evolved sense of humor that really offers Crash a new hope.
Game Over Online May 30, 2024
I was pleasantly surprised by what I found here. When it wasn't kicking my head in for little to no reason, Twinsanity's a fun and funny game that's well worth a few hours of your time.
Gamer's Hell May 30, 2024
I liked it a lot without being blown away by it, and it's the extra flavour that kept me going more than anything.
IGN May 30, 2024
Publisher Vivendi Universal and developer Traveller's Tales have infused so much humor and likeability into the game that you will literally laugh out loud. You'll look forward to defeating each boss not just because you're that much closer to beating the game, but to witness some of the best in-game dialogue and funniest voice acting around.
IC-Games May 30, 2024
Something different for the PS2 collection in that it’s a well executed platform game with a lot of varied gameplay.
Australian GamePro May 30, 2024
Great fun for our gaming youth and a humorous piece of nostalgia for veterans keen to spank their bandicoots, one last time.
3DAvenue May 30, 2024
A decent game which is heavily pulled down by the lack of save points.
GameSpot May 30, 2024
It's a little rough around the edges, and it doesn't break new ground for 3D platformers, but it gives the series the shot in the arm that Wrath of Cortex failed to, and what it does, it does pretty well.
Total Video Games May 30, 2024
A small section of gamers could well find Crash: Twin Sanity not quite offering enough new ideas to please but the majority will probably find this the perfect mix of all that is best with the platforming/action genre, especially the diversity in graphic sets, which must be applauded, along with the mesmerising sound effects and in game animations that move the game along!
Cheat Code Central May 30, 2024
I'm not sure this game will give him that dimension that he needs to compete in the mascot-rich, gaming universe but it's a spin jump in the right direction.
Eurogamer May 30, 2024
The gameplay variation is there for all to see, and when it hits the mark it - believe it or not - is every bit as enjoyable as the very best the genre has to offer, with some true high points to look back on.
DailyGame May 30, 2024
Far from fresh or innovative, it's still a fun title to keep the kids happy or blow a rainy day playing.
GameZone May 30, 2024
It's double the insanity for all you psychopath-loving gamers out there, but it's half the fun for gamers.
Worth Playing May 30, 2024
Somehow, flubbing the gameplay itself surprises me; it's like showing up to a party and finding that the snack bar consists of really butt-kicking salsa and a bowl of live lobsters to dunk into it.
Warcry May 30, 2024
If you are looking for a reason to throw your Playstation 2 against a wall, I would recommend this game. If you are a fan of the series, maybe I am missing something.
RealGamer May 30, 2024
The unforgiving nature of the game and the constant restarts of certain areas are bad enough but add the constant unskippable cutscenes that you are forced to watch in full every time you die just tips it over the edge for me.
PSM Magazine May 30, 2024
Though the game looks and controls well, levels appear to be designed to kill the player in as many cheap ways as possible.