Crimson Shroud Critic Reviews
32 Total Reviews
28 Positive Reviews(87.5%)
3 Mixed Reviews(9.4%)
1 Negative Reviews(3.1%)
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Gaming Age
December 17, 2012
The combat, while competent, is hardly the selling point of the game. The mechanics in place here aren't the thing that causes Crimson Shroud to really stand out, despite its unique use of tabletop RPG elements that are rarely seen on the surface level of most video games. It's really the superb presentation, writing, and music that will sell you on Crimson Shroud, and make it one of the best E-Shop titles available on the 3DS.
Nintendo Life
December 12, 2012
As an RPG that digs into the table-top history of the genre, Crimson Shroud is both a great deal of fun and an artistic triumph.
December 26, 2012
What it may lack in terms of presentation, Crimson Shroud more than makes up for in the narrative department, soundtrack, and the originality of its battle system (at least for a video-game RPG).
Official Nintendo Magazine UK
January 27, 2013
The attention to detail, the personality, the tiny touches; this feels like a game that someone loved making, and you'll love playing it as a result.
January 23, 2013
If you don't enjoy experimental games or those that refuse to handhold, or if you simply have no interest in the tabletop roots of RPGs, forget about it. Crimson Shroud's unique concept and esoteric execution make it a perfect match for my RPG desires, however, and one of my favorites of 2012.
January 21, 2013
The unusual style, the well-staged story, a fantastic soundtrack and challenging gameplay assemble to a great Crimson Shroud that may have its flaws but all the more strong points.
December 11, 2012
The Crimson Shroud is a game that's completely comfortable to be exactly what it is: an extremely hard, dense celebration of what makes tabletop RPGs so fun. There are gameplay issues that will aggravate some, but any gamer who's spent a Friday night rolling dice will be more than willing to forgive them.
December 12, 2012
Thankfully, despite having systems upon systems upon systems, the game really isn't as complex as the string of tutorials at the beginning would have you believe. I was overwhelmed at first but, after some practice and going over the in-game tips, the battles become second nature.
Gaming Nexus
February 4, 2013
Crimson Shroud is a short but sweet burst of JRPG that the 3DS is surprisingly short on these days.
January 8, 2013
If you enjoy either RPGs or table top games then you should definitely check out Crimson Shroud on the 3DS.
December 17, 2012
Although there are a number of hang-ups, and the audience is decidedly niche, Crimson Shroud is an incredibly unique game that will satisfy table-top fans everywhere. While I didn't get into the story as much as Matsuno probably hoped I would, I had a great time hanging out with Giauque and crew in this incredibly well-crafted RPG.
December 18, 2012
For lovers of RPGs, close to essential. It's much more than a reminder of where they came from; it's a welcome - and long overdue - reminder of one of the genre's strongest voices.
Edge Magazine
December 19, 2012
It's a masterfully constructed piece of tabletop theatre, whose spell is only broken once, as we were delayed for over an hour by some key loot that took over a dozen attempts to drop. Many won't make it past this preposterous roadblock, but those who persevere to the bitter end will be heartily glad they did.
December 20, 2012
A niche little gem, not to miss if you're a fan of the old role-playing style, but just a tad too slow JRPG for all the others. You might want to try it before proceeding to the download.
January 7, 2013
Full of pathos, well orchestrated and absolutely epic (but at the same time cryptic), Crimson Shroud will attract its target audience, keeping away all other types of gamers.
January 9, 2013
First original project from Yasumi Matsuno since Final Fantasy XII, Crimson Shroud fits perfectly with its universe. At the core of a world in decay, the story relates the adventure of a group of adventurers known as Chasers. They ought to bring back a special items, the Crimson Shroud, lost in a complex mess of corridors and dungeons. But their first task is to survive. Very dangerous enemies have to be beaten with an intelligent system of luck determined attacks : in order to receive bonuses the player can use dices. A great idea which give Crimson Shroud a lovely board game's aspect. Tough and challenging, Crimson Shroud is a new form of T-RPG who worth more than a simple glance.
Eurogamer Spain
January 13, 2013
Crimson Shroud is a love letter to the origins of the RPG genre that acknowledges how important a well told story is for this kind of game.
February 4, 2013
It’s not the longest game, but it tells a decent yarn and has a pretty good hook to the combat. Sure, there’s a chance that you, too, might spend five (FIVE!) hours searching for a stupid item, but aside from that and some niggly presentational bits, it’s definitely an enjoyable game.
Universo Nintendo
February 19, 2013
If you like classic RPGs and, most important, reading, Crimson Shroud will be your thing.