
Crying Suns Critic Reviews

11 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(90.9%)
1 Mixed Reviews(9.1%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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PLAY! Zine October 16, 2019
Alt Sift did it, we waited and it happened! They fused together FTL and Into The Breach into this awesome mix, that you will love to dance to, repeatedly!
4Players.de November 26, 2019
Intense SciFi tactics in the tradition of FTL with a surprisingly good story.
GamingTrend December 9, 2019
Crying Suns is a characterful rogue-lite that really sets its sci-fi tone well from the get-go; strong writing and a great soundtrack build the universe while the high stakes nature of every move is engaging and keeps every run as fresh as the last.
Strategy Gamer December 10, 2019
A challenging, visually vibrant sci-fi rogue-like following in the fine tradition of FTL et al - definitely worth checking out.
PC Gamer September 26, 2019
It's too repetitive and easy, but Crying Suns story and frantic combat are worth experiencing anyway.
COGconnected October 11, 2019
All told, Crying Suns is a slick reinterpretation of FTL’s core design. While it looks great and the story holds up throughout (despite some exposition bombs), it loses just a little on the mechanics that made FTL so addictive and repetitive. If you’re craving a neat sci-fi yarn and can appreciate the visual treats on deck, it’s still definitely worth checking out. The replayability is abound with tons of ships to unlock for future playthroughs and new officers for you to try out, giving plenty of reasons to come back to this one.
MGG September 29, 2019
Crying Suns is a striking and fascinating game in many ways, which offers an epic journey through the stars that will satisfy a while the fans of space tactics and science fiction with its rich and dark story. It's a pretty good game, but it lacks the elements that would make it a good rogue-like, the ships and their gameplay are too similar, the crew choices are unnecessarily restricted, the events are repetitive and predictable, the game blocks us to the last chapter of the story, etc. It will be necessary for the developers to review all this so that it can reach its full potential.
GameSpace September 18, 2019
Crying Suns, a grim, sci-fi rogue-like adventure, leads us through Alt Shift’s version of a post-apocalyptic galaxy, complete with pirates, mutants, robot worshipping religious zealots, and other unsavory characters. The game features tactical combat, a strategic map with resource management mechanics, and a mystery for the player to unfold.
Cultured Vultures September 19, 2019
The experience is mired only by several bland game features, some grating repetitiveness, and an odd lack of personality from the officers.
DarkStation November 20, 2019
Crying Sun is stylish, fast-paced and simple to play but its content runs thin and it can also be often unfair because of its high reliance on random factor. It may be true that half of everything is luck but in the long run, it doesn’t always turn into meaningful gameplay. The game would also need broader grasp on content and allow more creativity. Still, it’s a perfect pick-up-and-play title for its speedy gameplay that keeps each session nicely bite-sized.
The Overpowered Noobs November 22, 2019
An FTL-inspired rogue-lite, Crying Suns falls short of what made that game fun and exciting by being repetitive and boring.