
Crypt of the Necrodancer Critic Reviews

46 Total Reviews

45 Positive Reviews(97.8%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Arcade Sushi April 21, 2015
Crypt of the Necrodancer nails everything that it sets out to do. Every moment of Necrodancer is fun and engaging, the music is some of the best original music in any rhythm game, and the entire experience feels very original.
GamingTrend April 27, 2015
Crypt of the Necrodancer offers just about every feature imaginable, and each one is executed absolutely masterfully. It’s wholly unique and provides a tension found nowhere else, offering up some rhythm to the roguelike genre just as it started to feel like it was getting stale.
Gaming Age April 27, 2015
It’s a unique, fun, and wildly imaginative take on the roguelike formula that stands out, despite being in the company of other A-class titles within the genre.
Guardian May 14, 2015
Crypt of the Necrodancer may not be for everyone, but if the idea of a steamy love-in between two seemingly incompatible genres turns you on, you’re gonna love it.
Destructoid May 4, 2015
For those looking for the next gaming obsession after the likes of Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, or Rogue Legacy, look no further than Crypt of the NecroDancer.
Gaming Nexus May 18, 2015
Crypt of the Necrodancer is an awesome rhythm game you don’t want to pass up if you’re into the genre.
Games Master UK June 16, 2015
So good, it's worth risking carpal tunnel for.
RPG Fan July 6, 2015
A seamless and exhilarating meshing of two entirely different genres.
Hooked Gamers May 4, 2015
This is a game that appeals to all gamers, not just fans of rhythm games, but it’s a damn good rhythm game regardless.
DarkStation May 15, 2015
This combination makes Crypt of the NecroDancer a brilliant reimagining of nearly every fantasy RPG standard, from combat to status effects.
PC PowerPlay May 30, 2015
Destined to join the ranks of the truly great and memorable new age Rogue-likes.
Riot Pixels June 15, 2015
Originality, tactical depth, variety — you’ll find them plenty in Crypt of the NecroDancer. ‘90’ is not only a score but the minimum amount of hours you’ll spend obsessing over this game.
Edge Magazine June 21, 2015
A virtuoso feat of creativity.
CD-Action June 29, 2015
Sometimes someone comes up with an idea so brilliant that others wonder how they didn’t think of it earlier. Crypt of the NecroDancer – a rhythm-based roguelike – is an example of such brilliance.
Game Revolution April 22, 2015
Although the content feels curt and the difficulty is somewhat dependent on the luck of the draw, the game's high replayability and bit-tastic presentation will scratch that itch to play just another round. So be careful... you might just dance the night away.
Game Rant April 23, 2015
Brace Yourself Games has brought some real ingenuity into the indie game circuit, and the developer deserves great praise for creating an incredibly fun roguelike that’s filled to the brim with addictive gameplay and fiendish enemies.
GamesBeat April 23, 2015
Crypt of the NecroDancer has reminded me how creative, original, and fun video games can be. I’ve switched it off at 2 a.m. more than once this week, forcing myself to break from a dangerously addictive “one more go” loop as I tried in vain to beat the damn thing.
Hardcore Gamer April 24, 2015
Crypt of the NecroDancer is a phenomenal dungeon crawler.
CGMagazine April 24, 2015
This game deserves attention. It's a good addition to the rogue-like, and nobody else is going to get a chance to make rhythm-based games like this again. The bar's set pretty high after this.
God is a Geek April 27, 2015
Unique, challenging, glorious. There's simply so much love poured into Crypt of the NecroDancer, that it's hard not to fall deeply under its spell.