
Cultist Simulator Critic Reviews

18 Total Reviews

11 Positive Reviews(61.1%)
6 Mixed Reviews(33.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GamesBeat May 31, 2018
That’s the real beauty of Weather Factor’s debut title — the world feels so large and full of possibilities, even though everything is mainly told through small snippets of text. It’s filled with poetry, like descriptions of a vial of Greydawn Oil that’s “the precise color of the hours when one cannot sleep,” and it makes you want to explore and unravel its mysteries. And it makes you work for it, reading between the lines and imagining a realm unseen.
RPG Fan June 1, 2018
Cultist Simulator is a posthumanist spiral that, like its endless card combinations, is greater than the sum of its parts.
PC Gamer June 1, 2018
A dark, engrossing, and challenging narrative card and crafting game.
Quarter to Three June 4, 2018
The end result is a glittering construct of stunningly good prose.
CD-Action August 2, 2018
At first glance Cultist Simulator looks like a card game, but in fact it’s a fusion of a puzzle game with a text adventure game. With its extraordinarily atmospheric writing, ability to merge simplicity with depth, and different paths it’s fun for hours. It’s a shame the later stage relies on grinding too much and can become tedious.
GameCrate June 4, 2018
If you already enjoyed previous Fallen London escapades like Sunless Seas, there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy Cultist Simulator as well. It’s certainly not the easiest game to break into, but then again it was never really meant to be either. Cultist Simulator isn’t afraid to keep its greatest rewards locked away for only the most patient and clever players to find, and there’s a lot of potential enjoyment to be had for players who relish the journey as much as the destination.
Edge Magazine May 26, 2018
At its best, Cultist Simulator is quietly riveting, conjuring a palpable atmosphere of intrigue and danger as you juggle the risk and reward of harnessing otherworldly powers. During a bad run, however, it can feel like a rather inefficient way of telling a fairly miserable story.
TheSixthAxis June 1, 2018
The mood, the setting, and the pedigree of the writing are all perfectly in line with my interests, but I found the combination of the card playing and having to sit at a PC never truly gelled.
The Overpowered Noobs June 12, 2018
Cultist Simulator is the kind of game where “Just one more turn,” easily becomes “Four hours later…” It’s addicting even when it’s difficult and frustrating, and extremely satisfying when things finally start going right for you. If you’re even slightly interested in it, the price is right to try something that’s completely original and unlike anything else out right now.
Multiplayer.it June 26, 2018
Cultist Simulator is intriguing and full of potential, but even flawed and frustrating.
games(TM) July 14, 2018
An engrossing dabble into otherworldly forces.
COGconnected June 4, 2018
The quality of Cultist Simulator‘s writing and intriguing setting coupled with its arduous gameplay made me wish I was reading a surrealist novel rather than grasping at some sort of narrative with all these disparate cards. While I can appreciate the game’s own attempt at experimentation with its indefinite gameplay, tabletop format, and fragmented story, I could not find much enjoyment in constantly wondering what I was doing and asking myself why I was still playing.
Games Master UK June 17, 2018
Fascinating but alienating.
LEVEL (Czech Republic) December 31, 2018
An inaccessible and difficult-to-use card game that hides a genius core underneath the questionable design decisions. It reveals the its unexpected depths and can keep the attention of only the most patient players.
Riot Pixels December 2, 2018
Lovecraft-inspired, one-of-a-kind, original-looking… boring grindfest.
The Digital Fix July 2, 2018
With so little gameplay and almost no visual flair, the combination of broadly described ideas and impetus on the player to find their own story just don't come together. It's like the bare bones of a game without any of the meat.
Games.cz July 13, 2018
Cultist Simulator is a laboratory of bizarre ideas and that corresponds with conflicting gaming experience. The story of a cult was squeezed into a pack of cards, but originality alone doesn’t provide fun.
Eurogamer May 31, 2018
A magnificent nightmare, for those with the stamina to master the gruelling card game that houses it.