The Cursed Crusade Critic Reviews
27 Total Reviews
1 Positive Reviews(3.7%)
16 Mixed Reviews(59.3%)
10 Negative Reviews(37%)
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November 7, 2011
Would have had everything necessary to become a great game, but it seems there was to little time for production. The game got some serious graphical and synchronization issues and lacks any passion in storytelling. It is just boring. There are only two good things about his game: the fighting system is really great with a lot of weapons and combos and the coop-mode is really fun to play. But that's it. Really poor what the studio has made out of so much potential.
October 27, 2011
Sure, it is slow and methodical at times and downright boring at others, but a good sword slashing game is just what you need to give you a break from all the guns found in most games. I just wish more care had been applied to the functionality of the game. As it stands, Cursed Crusade is the definition of disappointing.
October 25, 2011
It has lost a good opportunity to become one of the surprises of the year because it has good ideas in its proposal, between a movie and a game. The story is typical, but able to engage us, but its gameplay is too lackluster and repetitive.
Worth Playing
October 25, 2011
At best, The Cursed Crusade is mediocre. The plot is bland, but the cut scenes try to shove the story down your throat at every opportunity, causing an adverse reaction
Official Xbox Magazine
October 26, 2011
Crusade sports some solid ideas (a "cursed realm" you can switch to on the fly is a neat concept that doesn't quite work), but sadly, it suffers most from ho-hum pacing and rinse-repeat gameplay.
Games Master UK
November 20, 2011
The combat can be entertaining but the occasional nice idea falls flat through some poor presentation and execution.
Gamereactor Denmark
October 19, 2011
Despite a decent combat system and some surprisingly good animations, the many issues hold the game back from anything more than an average score.
October 20, 2011
The Cursed Crusade is a mediocre hack-and-slash with serious technical and playable issues.
October 30, 2011
A boring and repetitive combat system and and a subpar technical production make The Cursed Crusade an avoidable game; a wasted opportunity to represent a great and charismatic historical period.
Official Xbox Magazine UK
October 7, 2011
Developer Kylotonn has crafted the least appealing fantasy brawler imaginable, its stillborn mechanics drenched in over-compensatory cutscene-driven storytelling, its charms limited to the lure of unlockable combos and abilities.
October 12, 2011
The Cursed Crusade is a perfect example of the sort of game that's being squeezed out nowadays: badly produced, cheaply made and full of tired clichés, both in gameplay and in its story.
October 14, 2011
The Cursed Crusade has too many cutscenes, it's too easy, it's boring, it has many issues and bugs and, overall, it's not a good experience. Also, it gives extreme importance to the story, but it's never interesting and ends up being forgettable and the combat is so bland that it's not even worthy of this gen.
October 25, 2011
It's too bad, because Cursed Crusade has fleetingly interesting ideas, like forcing you to push a very slow-moving mantlet towards an enemy's defensive line, or the way the timing of tapping out combo strings actually encourages thoughtful player response. Co-op can actually be fun in short bursts with a friend, and even the detailed aesthetic is surprisingly competent.
November 6, 2011
Even with all these problems, however, I found the plot interesting enough that I'm definitely hooked. If by some miracle there is a The Cursed Crusade 2, I'd be interested in seeing the story wrapped up as long as this title's wealth of problems are fixed.
November 14, 2011
A real failure on every front. It should be avoided as you would prevent participation in a cursed crusade.
October 25, 2011
A lethargic combat experience marred further by grotesque bugs, The Cursed Crusade is a game that truly does feel cursed, like no amount of hard work would put it right.
October 13, 2011
The Cursed Crusade is a repetitive hack-and-slash that is marred by clumsy combat, poor dialogue, and some serious technical issues.
Game Informer
October 26, 2011
But instead of choosing between a co-op or AI partner, you should just avoid playing this game. The only thing of any value that Cursed Crusade has left me with is a blight that will remain on my Xbox Gamerscore until the end of time.