
Dance Central 2 Critic Reviews

56 Total Reviews

56 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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1UP October 14, 2011
I've got fist pump fever and the only prescription is more Dance Central 2.
Gaming Age October 25, 2011
It's a hell of a workout, and a lot of fun to play with friends. It doesn't really make any significant strides over the original game, but the first Dance Central didn't seem to need many improvements to begin with.
Eurogamer Sweden November 1, 2011
The best game for Kinect just got better. Dance Central 2 improves on practically every feature in the original, and adds a much-needed two player mode, a must for everyone who likes to have fun.
Official Xbox Magazine October 11, 2011
Dance Central 2 blew our minds because of its artful mix of movement and gameplay; it makes using your body to respond to what's onscreen an afterthought. You just think: "Man, what a great game."
GamingTrend October 14, 2011
It isn't very often you get a sequel that improves in so many areas without changing too much, but it is clear that Dance Central is worthy of your precious holiday dollars.
Totally360 October 25, 2011
Overall, Dance Central 2 is a pretty amazing Kinect game. Harmonix has packed it full with features and it should keep you busy for quite a while. This is by far the best Kinect dance game and a pretty good leap from the original Dance Central.
Xbox World Australia November 6, 2011
Dance Central 2 is a great dance game that manages to fix all the problems that I initially had with the original game, and totally blew away my expectations at the same time. The multiplayer functionality is extremely well thought out, offering both competitive and co-operative modes for the keen dancer.
XboxAddict November 22, 2011
The first game set the standard for the dancing genre on Kinect; the sequel raises that bar by adding a solid multiplayer that you don't have to fuss with and a tutorial mode that should be able to teach dancers of any skill many dance moves to use in real life should the opportunity arise.
GamesRadar+ October 14, 2011
With the inclusion of multiplayer, Dance Central 2 has become the definitive dance game on any console far surpassing its competitors. Thoughtful and intricate choreography that is still fun but accessible, a song list that is familiar and current with a depth of gameplay has made this title both challenging for previous Dance Central converts yet still welcoming for newcomers.
Joystiq October 14, 2011
This team of rhythm game veterans have proven once again that they are, as they always have been, masters of progressive iteration.
IGN October 14, 2011
Even with a few hiccups, Dance Central 2 provides further proof that the Kinect can facilitate amazing gaming experiences when they're well designed around Kinect from the get-go.
Worth Playing October 17, 2011
Dance Central 2 doesn't just beat the first game; it completely replaces it.
GamePro October 17, 2011
A better dance game than Just Dance 3. The workout modes and campaign give you a reason to keep coming back, whether you're playing alone or with a group, and the mechanics behind the body tracking are second to none (even if the voice control commands are still a bit spotty).
GamingXP October 19, 2011
Dance Central did many things right, Harmonix really just had to improve details. They did: add good coop, dance battle, a kind of campagin mode, you get Dance Central 2. A game that takes the good predecessor to the next level. Okay, the song selection will be too modern for some tastes – but once that becomes the biggest criticism, that's a damn good sign.
Destructoid October 21, 2011
The best game you can get for Microsoft's Kinect device. You won't find a game with better body tracking tech, and that brings Dance Central 2 far above its peers.
Vandal October 25, 2011
Yet again the best game to make the most of Kinect, and an example of how to make a charming game for everyone.
Official Xbox Magazine UK October 26, 2011
A clear improvement on its already-excellent predecessor and is now absolutely the dance game that Kinect deserves. Those who can't stomach the more narrow selection of musical genres will be upset, but this is still the slickest, sexiest dance game around.
MondoXbox October 30, 2011
A welcome improvement of the original game with a more distinctive and catchy visual style, local multiplayer, a great tracklist and better movements tracking. We're still missing online play, though.
Eurogamer Italy November 1, 2011
Dance Central 2 is a great evolution of the first episode of this cool franchise. Harmonix did a great job with this game, creating one of the most interesting Kinect experiences out there. If you love dancing, you can't miss this game.
DarkStation November 3, 2011
Dance Central 2 is by far the best Kinect game out to date. It is also one of the only games that actually make you feel like the actions you are doing are being properly scored and accounted for in the game. Whatever Harmonix is doing behind the scenes to get so much out of the Kinect other developers should take note because it truly is incredible and deserving the price of admission.