
Danger Girl Critic Reviews

10 Total Reviews

2 Positive Reviews(20%)
4 Mixed Reviews(40%)
3 Negative Reviews(30%)

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Da Gameboyz May 8, 2024
The graphics suffer a little from a lack of balance, the sound is quite good, though some sounds are out of place, and the gameplay, while mostly nothing new, is well done and fun.
GamePro May 8, 2024
It's fun enough, but it's definitely not dangerous.
PSX Nation May 8, 2024
Cheerful, juvenile and more fun than what our rating might imply, "Danger Girl" is undone primarily because it's engine is riddled with technical flaws (collision detection, slug-like speed and frame-rate, poor aiming).
Happy Puppy May 8, 2024
The control is a little clumsy, and there are a few bugs that'll drive you to drink.
Antagonist May 8, 2024
If "Tomb Raider" just didn't have enough digital cleavage for you, you'll probably enjoy this game. If you want a good game, though, spend your money on "Syphon Filter" or "Metal Gear Solid."
Hot Games May 8, 2024
Casual gamers should pass Danger Girl like a bad bowl of chili.
GameSpot May 8, 2024
The main asset to the license -- a degree of smart sexiness akin to old '70s James Bond movie posters -- has become crass and obvious in its translation to 3D.
IGN May 8, 2024
Big breasts can go a long way to brightening up any day, but with gameplay this dim, even these headlights can't light up this game.
Game Revolution May 8, 2024
Ultimately, Danger Girl's only selling points, T and A (Tits and Action), can only reliably be found on the cover of the instruction booklet, which can easily be viewed without paying fifty bucks. I advise getting your porn elsewhere.
Daily Radar May 8, 2024
A poor excuse for a videogame and an even poorer excuse for pornography.