Danger Zone Critic Reviews
16 Total Reviews
7 Positive Reviews(43.8%)
8 Mixed Reviews(50%)
1 Negative Reviews(6.3%)
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The Digital Fix
June 30, 2017
It’s great fun and easy to play, but hard to master. It is delightful on your own playing against the world’s high scores and those of your friends, but also wholesomely entertaining as a party game given each go takes seconds or minutes and you can try again very quickly. There is no right or wrong way to play and many sets of tactics which can be employed to garner great results. You might blast through the levels, or collect all the trophies, or spend ages just chasing the top of that leaderboard. You can play it in multiple ways, trying to achieve varied goals. I wholeheartedly suggest you take the highway to the Danger Zone. There, I said it.
PlayStation Universe
June 2, 2017
Danger Zone might be a lean package, but the car-smashing joy that package contains is more than worth investing in.
Game Informer
May 30, 2017
Despite its sparse offerings, Danger Zone still proves that you can do beautiful things with a car, no matter how damaged it is.
Push Square
May 30, 2017
Danger Zone is about as barebones as arcade games get, and yet its explosive gameplay loop is so addictive that it’s somehow passed our crash test relatively unscathed. The presentation may be offensively simplistic and the runtime a little on the short side, but once you’ve launched your Smashbreaker a few times, you’ll feel like all is well in the world.
June 3, 2017
Danger Zone is a very fun arcade on a budget, something Burnout fans will enjoy. It's very limited, but it takes us closer to the promised Burnout 3 spiritual successor.
June 4, 2017
For all its talk of destruction and carnage, Danger Zone plays it pretty safe.
June 22, 2017
It takes a little while to reach its best, but Danger Zone takes the classic Crash Mode from the Burnout series, distils it and then finds ways to push it to new, even more ridiculous heights. Crash Mode is back, and despite a few flaws, it ends up being as morbidly compelling as ever.
June 1, 2017
It’s worth a look for Burnout veterans, as long as you calibrate your expectations appropriately.
Video Chums
June 11, 2017
Danger Zone takes a mode that's been around for 15 years and manages to make a somewhat enjoyable game out of it. However, the bare-bones amount of variety and content will make gamers wonder if the full version will ever arrive.
May 30, 2017
That Danger Zone‘s core design works is unsurprising, given that it’s been borrowed wholesale from a different series, but Three Fields has done little to build out the concept into anything worthy of a full game. You’ll enjoy what’s here well enough, but don’t expect it to last very long—or to dazzle much beyond the explosions and sparks.
May 31, 2017
Danger Zone is the beating heart of a concept in search of a full-fledged game to pump life into. While it won't satisfy your lust for chaos the way the Burnout games once did, Danger Zone provides enough thrills to make you want that hypothetical successor more than ever.
IGN Spain
June 7, 2017
Short, not very beautiful and with a lot of room to improve, but still fun while we wait for a new Burnout game.
PlayStation Country
June 1, 2017
Danger Zone hints at the delicious chaos we now expect from Three Fields but delivers a strangely vanilla product that actively seems to be tempering any excitement the gameplay delivers.
June 2, 2017
If you are craving that Burnout action but can’t be arsed to pull out an old console, then sure, Danger Zone will at least remind you of those glory days. Unfortunately it’ll do little else.
Digitally Downloaded
June 19, 2017
The game itself can be fun in fleeting moments. And there aren't really any alternatives to what this offers, in this form, so that's a plus for it. However, the campaign is short and the visuals are just terrible.
Gaming Age
July 14, 2017
I have no doubt that in some alternate universe, Danger Zone is absolutely awesome. After all, it has a good idea at its core, and its development team has shown in the past that they're capable of pulling off that very same idea. In this universe, however, there's no getting around the fact that Danger Zone is, quite simply, terrible.