
Dark Void Critic Reviews

69 Total Reviews

13 Positive Reviews(18.8%)
54 Mixed Reviews(78.3%)
2 Negative Reviews(2.9%)

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X-ONE Magazine UK May 14, 2024
An exemplary piece of game design that makes narrative ignorance all the easier.
GamingXP May 14, 2024
We thought there would be a little bit more to the jetpack action announced. Surprisingly there is not. The lame story and always the same missions can’t excite for a long time. Dark Void ends up being just an ordinary “shoot and go” title.
GamerNode May 14, 2024
Dark Void is a strong first effort. The combination of three combat types provides a fun and unique game that is not replicated by anything else today. If the bugs and audio glitches were fixed and the narrative improved, it'd be a great game.
MS Xbox World May 14, 2024
Dark Void is an impressive title that simply falls short of greatness due to being so run of the mill.
AtomicGamer May 14, 2024
It's certainly flawed, especially when it's trying to be a third-person shooter, but it also has lots of great ideas. It will surprise you sometimes, but mostly it'll leave you feeling like it could have been so much more.
Extreme Gamer May 14, 2024
Dark Void is seriously fun, even if it is a little vertigo inspiring.
Planet Xbox 360 May 14, 2024
The jetpack is one of the coolest video game accessories that can ever show itself in a next-gen title, unfortunately controlling said jetpack is nearly impossible inside close quarters.
Games Master UK May 14, 2024
It might have the best jetpack since San Andreas but as a game it just doesn't fly.
Game Informer May 14, 2024
Unfortunately, the shining strengths of the game are buried underneath a thick layer of rust that only the thirstiest of air-junkies should bother chipping through.
XGN May 14, 2024
The concept of Dark Void is great and the gameplay generally works fine. Unfortunately, the story isn’t interesting and far too short.
GameDaily May 14, 2024
Its lack of multiplayer (dog fighting could have been sweet) and small hiccups in gameplay and presentation keep it from greatness. On the flip side, does it deserve the relentless beating it's taken from the press? No. It's still a fun science-fiction thrill ride, one worth taking for the sights, sounds and entertaining combat.
Gameplayer Sweden May 14, 2024
At first Dark Void seems to be a less than great third person action shooter. Then it seems to be a third person action shooter with slight use of a jetpack. But then it blooms and a whole new experience emerges with rapid aerial combat mixed with intense ground combat with a twist. Unfortunately the game’s potential is never reached but the idea is excellent and good enough to make a great game.
Cynamite May 14, 2024
Targeting your enemies from high above sounds fun, but the mediocre AI and several glitches drag Dark Void to a decent level.
GameTrailers May 14, 2024
Dark Void’s single real achievement is the way it blends in-the-air and on-the-ground action without creating a horrible accident of compromise. While the game can be a lot of fun on a mechanical level, it’s not quite different enough to feel like a brand new experience, and there are enough minor-yet-noticeable problems that make it harder to appreciate the overall package.
Gamers.at May 14, 2024
Dark Void is a great example of wasted potential. The story, the "jetpack-flying-action", the 3D-Gameplay ... all that in combination could have made a great game, but thanks to a boring mission- and level-design, repetitive enemies and mediocre graphics it just isn't.
Multiplayer.it May 14, 2024
Dark Void sounds a lot like a missed opportunity. Flying sections are good, but samey, and ground ones are nice, but could have been much better and Dark Void is over a little too soon, too.
Gaming Nexus May 14, 2024
A solid game with some great new concepts. The game is a bit on the short side but it's a great start for a new IP.
Impulsegamer May 14, 2024
You can understand and appreciate what the goal was here, and had it have been pulled off, it would have been quiet the spectacle. Instead though, it’s fallen into a game that you will beat, then shelf, never to be looked at again.
Official Xbox Magazine May 14, 2024
Tedious ground combat makes up the majority of the game, and the cool cover concept and sci-fi story are strong, but blown opportunities.
SpazioGames May 14, 2024
The expectations of those who were hoping for a videogame, Dark Void, which would finally be able to bring a breath of fresh air into the third-person action genre, are sadly disappointed, at least in part, from this title. Certainly the air-combat component has been implemented in a very good way, but it's unfortunately not sufficiently good enough, in a game were you must alternate flying phases with boring sections on foot. The game's value is also clouded by an only discrete technical compartment, lifted in part by a great soundtrack. A pity, because there was a huge potential in the concept idea of Dark Void.