DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos Critic Reviews
9 Total Reviews
9 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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March 21, 2023
If you need to stop an asteroid, you call Superman, but if you need pure joy in your life, pick up DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos.
March 16, 2023
DC Justice League Cosmic Chaos is a light hearted and comedic super hero game, with gameplay that is approachable for all. While the battling can get a bit repetitive at times the story and the charm of Happy Harbor will keep you going through to the end.
March 20, 2023
DC’s Justice League Cosmic Chaos is a game that younger gamers will enjoy, even geeky pop culture fans like myself. You can tell that the developers have an affinity of DC Comics, particularly with all the Easter Eggs and weird subtle references that are littered through Happy Harbor. All in all, a sturdy gaming engine with strong controls and well-crafted story featuring the amusing Mxyzptlk and three of the Justice League’s most powerful heroes, Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman. It’s just a shame that there is no campaign co-op but nonetheless, it works well as a single-player game.
Movies Games and Tech
April 10, 2023
DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos is an amusing action-adventure title. The world is in danger and the Justice League must stand up and be counted. However, an all-powerful trickster has other ideas and you must battle this childish fool if you wish to be victorious. Search lairs, kill fishy monsters, and tackle familiar villains in this colourful and interesting DC game.
Video Chums
March 29, 2023
DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos is a silly lighthearted game that's intuitive for kids, hilarious for folks of all ages, and fairly fun to boot. Just make sure you don't get it for its multiplayer mode because you'll likely be disappointed with what it has to offer.
Xbox Tavern
April 10, 2023
DC’s Justice League Cosmic Chaos was surprisingly a game I enjoyed and wanted to play repeatedly. I was going through a very big gaming funk, not knowing what to play, and jumping between games, which could hold my attention span for long. Then I started playing DCJLCC and was slowly sucked into a fun world, with many things to do. If I was bored playing the main storyline, I could farm some shells and coins to upgrade my superhero, find a dungeon, find some gadgets, even explore Happy Harbour, and find comic books hidden around the land to unlock my favourite superhero costume.
Gamereactor UK
March 16, 2023
I actually had pretty high expectations for DC's Justice League: Cosmic Chaos, even though I didn't think it was a Game of the Year candidate. And I got pretty much exactly what I had hoped for. An entertaining co-op superhero adventure, well-written script, and lots of DC love for all ages.
May 8, 2023
DC Justice League: Cosmic Chaos is a good entry into the world of superheroes for the little ones. The adventure is full of humor, and presents a fun and varied gameplay thanks to the large amount of content that we can unlock. However, it lacks depth for the adults of the house, who will see how the few options will end up weighing, along with an uninspired level design.
Generación Xbox
May 10, 2023
A good game that reminds us that good DC games can be made without falling into the standards of this type of game. A fun and very original proposal. Suitable for all audiences, but adults will enjoy it more.