Dead in Vinland Critic Reviews
24 Total Reviews
18 Positive Reviews(75%)
4 Mixed Reviews(16.7%)
1 Negative Reviews(4.2%)
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Worth Playing
May 3, 2018
Dead in Vinland is easily one of the best games I've played, and its addictiveness is real. Every time you die, you'll reach for that new game button, like every other addict before you. Fans of survival managment games should snag Dead in Vinland, which is a steal at $20. The most important thing to remember in Dead in Vinland is that it is designed to defeat you but not destroy you. As the Vikings would say, Fear not death, for the hour of your doom is set, and none may escape it.
Gaming Nexus
April 12, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a nice mix of RPG, simulation, and exploration elements. With nearly a dozen party members to recruit, multiple tasks to assign people to, and many different ways to interact with the island's inhabitants, there are multiple ways to go about playing the game and every decision you make will matter in the end.
April 13, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a game with elements from many of your favorites, but it all comes together as a unique final product. I know I will be starting it up every few months until I know every monologue by heart.
Hooked Gamers
April 16, 2018
Dead in Vinland eclipses its predecessor in almost every way. If you felt Dead in Bermuda was catering too much to a more casual experience, you’ll find plenty to love here. There’s a ton more depth and the additional combat sequences really add flavour. The game would benefit from being a bit better balanced at its default difficulty settings though.
April 27, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a game with profound management mechanics. Quite demanding and full of challenges, it is bound to keep you preoccupied for a long time.
April 12, 2018
For the most part, Dead in Vinland is a gorgeous-looking, entertaining survival romp that is well worth hopping into a longboat for.
April 13, 2018
It’s just… brilliant design, and like a really pretty and engaging single player board game.
The Overpowered Noobs
April 18, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a seamless genre-melding of resource management and RPG elements. Visually dazzling and complete with a delightful cast of characters, it’s the latest installment of what could be a successful franchise.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
July 13, 2018
An outstanding genre mix, dominated by the management of four Viking castaways. A lot of game elements and rules make the game a wonderful experience.
April 12, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a complex survival game that cleverly uses turn-based mechanics to motivate players in the long run.
April 23, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a Viking game in the style of Darkest Dungeon. It's fun, well paced and slightly overcomplicated, but ultimately worth it.
April 13, 2018
It will appeal to the palate of the most intense and demanding maniacs of survival.
May 1, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a survival game I really appreciated, and I will dive into it again. My only wish is that the developers had a randomization option that focused strictly on how long I can survive rather than focusing on a story as well as the campaign, but for what it is, Dead in Vinland is a great survival management game for those who panic at seeing hunger meters rapidly increase in real time.
June 2, 2018
If you’re a survival games enthusiast, Dead In Vinland will make you say « One more game and I go to bed ». But if you’re looking for compelling story-telling and fighting, you’re in the wrong castle.
PC Gamer
May 3, 2018
Dead in Vinland combines resource management, RPG combat, uneven writing, and a lot of diciness into something I couldn't stop playing until I finished it.
May 4, 2018
At it's default difficulty, Dead in Vinland is a very challenging game, made up of many interconnected systems, each with the potential to create a fail state if not carefully managed. The combat is pretty simplistic and not as rewarding as simply keeping the characters alive day to day but in general, this is a game with a lot of depth. It's easy to die, and each replay becomes just a little less interesting, so I highly recommend playing through on the easy mode first.
PC PowerPlay
May 26, 2018
Not the greatest writing, but the game's many overlapping mechanics make for some great emergent storytelling.
July 16, 2018
Dead In Vinland tries to blend the best of multiple genres, but when combined those once worth-while features become a single idea that many times works, yet at others simply doesn’t.
April 12, 2018
Dead in Vinland is a challenging game with fun writing and hours of gameplay to keep you busy. However, repetitive gameplay and a slow-moving plot holds back what could have been a truly fantastic game.
July 2, 2018
For some reason Dead In Vinland is weirdly addictive. I haven’t felt the urge to take just one more turn this strongly since the X-Com reboots. It’s deceptively easy to fall into a routine of assigning tasks, engaging in combat, managing characters’ needs, and exploring their backstories for hours on end. If nothing else, the game is good value for money. So, play it, I guess?