
Dead Rising Critic Reviews

82 Total Reviews

81 Positive Reviews(98.8%)
1 Mixed Reviews(1.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Yahoo! May 11, 2024
The spaced out save points create a wonderfully rare sense of dread. You'll want to stock up on inventory and weapons before attempting a particularly difficult passage. And you're not always secure whether you're going to make it. This is where Dead Rising's sandbox zombie killing comes into its own.
Play Magazine May 11, 2024
In many ways, Rising is a spiritual successor to Capcom's "Resident Evil." This zombie epic, however, has brains and a heart to go with its blood and gore.
Games Master UK May 11, 2024
Like a huge toybox full of rotting flesh and ridiculous attention to detail. Just brilliant.
Game Informer May 11, 2024
The game is huge on replay in the main mode and offers even more after the tale is done.
XboxAddict May 11, 2024
This game could have been one of the greatest games of all time. You could replay it hundreds of times, and it just wouldn’t get old. Instead, the game has been crippled by the horrible save system, lousy boss battles, a tedious 2nd part of the storyline, and a lack of a true “free roam” mode.
Gaming Illustrated May 11, 2024
I haven’t had a gaming session like this in a long time. It’s one you kick the roommates off of the TV for or call in sick to work for.
Xbox World Australia May 11, 2024
Hands down, Dead Rising is the most polished game I have played yet on the Xbox360. It has inventive gameplay, an entertaining if predictable story, superlative presentation, a good helping of humour, and a whole lot of depth beyond just killing zombies.
Gaming Age May 11, 2024
Capcom has done much, much more than just put a camera around a guy's neck and drop him in a mall full of zombies. There's a tightly woven story, the elements of which are actually part of the game...Dead Rising is one of the highest notes of the year, on any platform.
Gamezilla! May 11, 2024
The presentation of Dead Rising is close to being the best I’ve ever seen. Massive amounts of zombies, store shelves that are completely stocked with goods (the supermarket is especially impressive), and a creepy soundtrack frames the game well.
GameSpy May 11, 2024
One of the most uniquely imaginative horror games ever created... Despite the fact that there are some frustrating elements (namely the save system and AI), Dead Rising is a straight-up blast from start to finish.
Xboxic May 11, 2024
While it does have some minor problems such as no multiplayer, a weird save system and repetitive missions sometimes, the game makes up for itself by being pure fun and insane. If you love slashing zombies in half and smashing zombie heads in, if you love a free roaming open ended story, and if you love video games, you’ll love Dead Rising.
PGNx Media May 11, 2024
It doesn’t take itself too seriously, gives you more weapons and zombies than you know what to do with, and it’s funny in that B-movie kind of a way. The gameplay is fast and exciting, too.
Extreme Gamer May 11, 2024
One of the most engaging survival horror games to be released in the last few years. Dead Rising offers a lot to gamers in the way of action, suspense, stress, and humor.
The greatest triumph is that it'll make you laugh and go 'wow' for the entire seven hours and then some.
Game Over Online May 11, 2024
The first absolute must-have exclusive for the 360...Dead Rising revolves around beating zombies to death with unconventional weaponry, and I submit to you that this is something that everyone can enjoy. Everyone.
RewiredMind May 11, 2024
A superb game. Probably the best title on the 360. The flaws are forgivable because it’s simply fun to play. If you are anal for completing a game in its entirety you’ll be on this forever. It’s a practical impossibility to complete all the missions and sub-missions in the 72 hour-mode (it actually lasts about 10 real-time hours).
Jolt Online Gaming UK May 11, 2024
The story mode can be frustrating, but never fatally so, and in any case the combat is ridiculously moreish and often highly amusing.
A triumphant survival horror blockbuster with strong replay appeal, but some players will lack the patience to cope with its considerable demands.
X-ONE Magazine UK May 11, 2024
Dead Rising features arcade-quality gameplay wrapped around a classic movie theme and sprinkled with tons of extras. Worth buying an Xbox 360 for - everyone should play this game.
XGP Gaming May 11, 2024
Another technical point of the game that’s stunning is the amount of zombies that can be on the screen at any given time.