The Deadly Tower of Monsters Critic Reviews
17 Total Reviews
12 Positive Reviews(70.6%)
5 Mixed Reviews(29.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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January 19, 2016
Crammed to the gills with campy humor and a series B-movie look and feel, this is nearly a must-play for anyone who’s a fan of the old, cheesy films of the past or who enjoys listening to C-list directors ramble near-incoherently about their creations.
Brash Games
January 19, 2016
Deadly Tower of Monsters hands you a lot of love in a single package, giving gaming and movie fans plenty of reason for more than one showing.
January 20, 2016
The Deadly Tower of Monsters took me about 4 hours to complete, and finding all of the collectibles and completing all of the missions, may take you another hour or two. I never got tired of the game, but it felt like it ended at just the right time.
Digitally Downloaded
February 24, 2016
It’s not a very long game at all; I’d clocked it in about seven hours, but those are the best, most entertaining seven hours I’ve had with the PlayStation 4 controller in my hands for a very long time.
January 21, 2016
While The Deadly Tower of Monsters would've been better with optional camera control, a New Game + mode and more gameplay combos, it's still a fitting tribute to the long-lost era of 50's sci-fi.
January 22, 2016
This is a great surprise, a game that within its simplicity, manages to be fun and never gets boring. What else can we ask for?
We Got This Covered
January 22, 2016
The Deadly Tower of Monsters is pretty much an interactive B movie from the 1950s. If you like campy dialogue and wacky enemy designs, then you can't go wrong by spending an afternoon with this one.
January 28, 2016
The Deadly Tower of Monsters is unlike anything else in its genre. The theme and presentation carries it for the entire ride, and even though the combat can be mundane at times, the set pieces and commentary more than make up for it. Fans of classic B-movies would be remiss to pass on this quirky action title. Its personality and charm make it worth playing through on their own.
January 28, 2016
I'm quite happy to see that ACE Team has finally clicked all of their elements into place, and if there's a better homage to 50's schlock than The Deadly Tower Of Monsters, I have no idea what it could possibly be. For fans of the material or the era, this is a big win from start to finish.
The Games Machine
February 11, 2016
Despite being short and not too challenging, TDToM is a wonderful tribute to the sci-fi movies of the '50s. The gameplay is a nice mix of hack'n'slash, dual stick shooting and platform, fun and enough varied to keep you entertained.
PlayStation LifeStyle
January 19, 2016
Fans of cult sci-fi films and/or Mystery Science Theater 3000 will get quite the kick out of The Deadly Tower of Monsters.
November 21, 2016
The Deadly Tower of Monsters delivers a nice experience, packed with tons of funny dialogues and interesting levels.
January 19, 2016
I commend ACE Team for trying to come up with something that’s authentic and clever. But the developer only got The Deadly Tower of Monsters halfway right. The excellent premise and likeable characters outshine the streamlined gameplay.
February 15, 2016
Manages to capture B-movie atmosphere and aesthetics perfectly, but fails to provide a truly compelling gameplay experience due to a flawed execution of many of its mechanics.
February 1, 2016
While the stylistic appeal of science fiction schlock may be niche, The Deadly Tower of Monsters has silly sights that effectively recall the iconic parts of the works that inspired it, if not much else.
February 29, 2016
The real star of this one is the director with his running commentary, and the film just supports his wit. If you’re looking to kill a good handful of hours with a solid smile on your face, check this game out!
Metro GameCentral
January 20, 2016
B-movie by name and B-movie by nature, but there’s still enjoyment to be had with the endearingly rubbish enemies and fun but vapid combat.