Deadpool Critic Reviews
49 Total Reviews
18 Positive Reviews(36.7%)
30 Mixed Reviews(61.2%)
1 Negative Reviews(2%)
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June 26, 2013
Unlike Duke Nukem, Deadpool works in the 21st century thanks to some strong game mechanics and although it may not be Batman Arkham City, it does come close in terms of fun and over the top battles.
June 25, 2013
Deadpool won’t win any awards for innovation, and it won’t really stick with you, but you’ll have a hard time not enjoying its self-aware humor and action. Fans of Deadpool the character will have a great time with Deadpool the game. As far as super hero games go, this is definitely one of the better ones.
June 25, 2013
Self-referential, acerbic, psychotic, and just balls-out fun, the game not only breaks the the fourth wall, it absolutely destroys it, giving us the best written Marvel game to date.
June 25, 2013
You’ll be fighting the camera sometimes as much as enemies, and the balance between guns and melee needs a bit more work, but most of the time, I was laughing too hard to care. The script is a love letter to Deadpool fans, so if you love the Merc with the Mouth, this game will hit your chimichanga-flavored sweet spot.
Official Xbox Magazine
June 25, 2013
The goofy ending shenanigans are worth the trouble, of course, but it’s always a shame to see a runner stumble just before the finish line. Luckily, the rest of Deadpool is so light on its feet and so steadfastly amusing that you’re bound to remember all of the pleasure and none of the pain.
June 27, 2013
We can't forget about all the issues the game has, but still we think it's a game made for Deadpool fans, and those fans should give it a try. At the end of the day it's fun and entertaining, and that's more that what many other titles out there can offer.
July 3, 2013
High Moon Studios have injected just the right amount of crazy into this game and fans of the comics will latch onto it immediately. Others however, might need to prepare themselves for one of the maddest gaming experiences they’ve ever encountered.
June 28, 2013
Deadpool won’t win any innovation awards. The mechanics are as common as a loaf of bread. But when it comes to humor the polarizing hero is second to none. I haven’t laughed this hard while playing in a long time.
June 30, 2013
By the time you're viewing the credits, you'll have had a great ride that doesn't compare to other games. Of course, the action is as standard as can be and often done better, but the sense of humor is so perfect, that you'll actually suspect Deadpool himself to have developed the game.
July 5, 2013
Deadpool's charm and the great nonsense humor that High Moon Managet do infuse in the game are its brightest spots; on the other side we find an average and quite anonymous gameplay, with a too short longevity. Deadpool fans will surely love it, while anyone else should at least wait to find it at a budget price.
Cheat Code Central
June 26, 2013
If you like having a good laugh, fart jokes, guns, explosions, boobs, chimichangas, comics, swords, and pretty much anything awesome–you should probably go out and get this game. If you don’t like these things–there isn’t really anything left to say to you.
June 25, 2013
High Moon Studios has created not only one of the best superhero games, but one of the funniest games you'll ever play--period. Sure, it's low brow and a little heavy on the dick and fart jokes, but... wait, actually, that's not a bad thing. It's a great thing.
June 25, 2013
High Moon surprised me with competent action and better-than average storytelling, and even Deadpool himself grew on me, despite his dumber-than-dirt antics.
June 28, 2013
It's a good little game, and not really anything more than that. It's not as "awesome" as Deadpool himself may tell you, but hey, it's about ten thousand times better than X-Men: Destiny, and I think we can all be thankful for that!
The Escapist
June 29, 2013
Deadpool can be surprisingly fun. The combat's well put together and there are some genuinely hilarious moments in the story, but it has its share of controller-throwing difficulty problems and hit-or-miss jokes, many that aren't quite as funny if you play through the game more than once.
July 1, 2013
Deadpool is fun to watch and it's fun to play, but the main campaign is a little short and there are some technical and design issues.
July 2, 2013
Deadpool is fun and crazy, you simply can’t stop laughing.
Xbox Achievements
July 2, 2013
Not quite up to the standards of High Moon's Transformers: War For Cybertron, Deadpool is nevertheless a decent use of the Marvel license. That said, there's just something about the whole product that feels a little dated, and the lack of content doesn't help matters either.
June 30, 2013
Deadpool proves that he deserves his own game. It also proves that a strong character with a lot of personality can hide a number of discomforts and gameplay related frustrations. Whenever Deadpool stops making jokes, this becomes painfully obvious. But just when you're about to quit, the joker returns to keep you playing.
July 1, 2013
Deadpool will be well-received by Marvel comics fans, but a lack of mechanical depth holds the game back.