
Death Squared Critic Reviews

25 Total Reviews

22 Positive Reviews(88%)
2 Mixed Reviews(8%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Nintendo Enthusiast July 12, 2017
Death Squared is a nice surprise to the puzzle genre, delivering comic relief at all the right moments. It really does teach you to laugh at yourself, while not taking itself as a video game too seriously. Some great things come in small packages, and this one’s got nuts…and bolts. And lasers. And explosions.
Pocket Gamer UK July 13, 2017
Death Squared is a well-made and entertaining cooperative puzzler which seems a pretty darn perfect fit on the Switch.
Gaming Nexus August 7, 2017
Death Squared might have launched on Steam, but it feels like this game and the Nintendo Switch were made for each other. Deceptively smart puzzles, an endearingly smarmy sense of humor, and organic, instantaneous multiplayer all at a great price make Death Squared a must-buy on Switch.
Worth Playing August 16, 2017
Death Squared is an excellent addition to any puzzle fan's library. The puzzles may be a source of frustration at times, but they're also so well designed that you'll feel like you've accomplished a lot when solving them. The inherent co-op nature lends itself perfectly to multiplayer, especially on the Switch, where it doesn't require much to get a two-player game going, and the plethora of levels means plenty of time spent solving puzzles. It's yet another solid title in the system's young library.
Gamers' Temple October 23, 2017
Death Squared is a fun little puzzle game that, even after 80 stages, still remains fresh and engaging. Getting the hang of it only takes a few levels, but only the truly gifted will be able to handle some of the later stages solo. Multiplayer can be a fun time with the two Joy-Cons, but I wasn't particularly thrilled by the fact that enrolling a partner becomes almost necessary to finish the game's final bits. Either way, Death Squared provides plenty of fun for its low asking price, and should scratch any puzzle itch a Switch owner may develop.
Switch Player July 12, 2017
Death Squared is a great example of how the Nintendo Switch can bring players together. Hand a friend a Joy-Con and watch the hilarity ensue. Good fun as a single player experience but better with friends, Death Squared mixes challenge with humour in a way that makes it very reminiscent of Portal - and if that isn't reason enough to give this game a look, I don't know what is.
Nintendo Life July 12, 2017
While we’ve seen plenty of games that have similar themes and mechanics, the way they’re presented in Death Squared makes for a rare experience. Having a game that is cooperative at its core but imminently playable as a solo experience is a boon, but it must be said its wily charms are exponentially more effective when sitting next to a friend or loved one whilst you giggle at each other’s faux pas. If you want your puzzlers to be thought-provoking with a dash of dry humour, you can’t go wrong with Death Squared.
4Players.de July 12, 2017
Death Squared is a really good cooperative puzzler. But be warned: You have to communicate, so be prepared, if you play it with your partner...
DarkStation July 12, 2017
As a fan of both puzzles and cooperative experiences, I enjoyed my time with Death Squared. It’s easy to say just one more after every inventive and devious puzzle. Although the game has some flaws – its reliance on trial-and-error and imprecise movement – playing with a teammate alleviated those frustrations, leading to laughter each time an unexpected death occurred. Although playing the game alone is neither that fun nor easy to control, playing with a well-coordinated partner provides the perfect setup for this mechanically colorful puzzler.
Vooks July 12, 2017
Death Squared is another game on the Switch that's not easy to play, but it is fun. Like other puzzlers on the console, it's not dependent on playing with other people but you'll get the most out of it if you do. Anyone can pick up and play this game, but they're going to swear and complain when they do, both at the game and the people they're playing it with.
NintendoWorldReport July 12, 2017
Death Squared ends up being another great multiplayer experience for Switch. Laughs will emerge from accidental and pathetic-looking deaths and likely lead to the eventual furrowed brows of frustration and critical thinking - making for all the integral elements of a good puzzle game. Don't expect a lot of new elements and variables to appear though, the game is kept to a simple, tried-and-true formula that succeeds in boggling minds, all wrapped up in a neat and tidy package.
The Digital Fix July 13, 2017
Death Squared doesn't do anything particularly new but its execution is wonderful. More to the point, with the right group of friends, it's a downright hilarious way to spend an evening.
FNintendo July 23, 2017
Death Squared is an intense and action-packed puzzle game designed for one to four players where mayhem and fun go hand in hand. Focusing on what the game is all about, Death Squared will satisfy anyone looking for an experience that is simple to pick up, whether solo or accompanied, even if it offers a lot more value on multiplayer.
GameGrin August 21, 2017
Death Squared is an intelligent puzzler that challenges single and multiplayer gamers alike.
Nintendo Force Magazine August 24, 2017
Death Squared definitely knows how to multiply by the root of fun.
The Games Machine July 20, 2017
Death Squared brings the trial & error concept in the world of puzzle games. Nothing new, really, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless. If you’re looking for a game that will rack your brain, this is something worth your while. Be sure to have a friend to play with and, most of all, a lot of patience.
Multiplayer.it July 31, 2017
As it often happens, from a simple idea comes a strong concept that can bring to a deep and structured gameplay. Sure it has flaws in variety and characterization, but it's still an enjoyable game
COGconnected July 12, 2017
If you’re looking for a puzzler that tests your brain as well as your reflexes, then Death Squared will fit the bill nicely.
GamingTrend July 12, 2017
Death Squared is a great example of a game that fights you every step of the way. However, its sharp and witty narrative mixed with simple pick-up-and-play controls guarantees that you’ll have some frustrating fun with a partner. Just make darn sure to leave your best friends out of party mode if you want to stay that way.
Cubed3 July 13, 2017
Death Squared is a cocktail of two things that, theoretically, could never become a successful mix. Having said that, and although combining couch gaming and puzzles is a concept that doesn't work as well as intended, SMG Studio handles its unique idea quite alright. As a result, those who'll look past its few flaws will surely have a blast here.