Deep Dungeons of Doom Critic Reviews
7 Total Reviews
5 Positive Reviews(71.4%)
2 Mixed Reviews(28.6%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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June 10, 2013
Rather, Deep Dungeons of Doom takes the meth dealer's route to revenue generation: the first taste is always free. But you'll come crawling back with open purse strings when you reach the end of your dose. Consider the free download a lengthy trial period. But don't worry, it's got enough meat to sink three bucks worth of teeth into.
June 7, 2013
Deep Dungeons of Doom is more than just a goofy title. It's also a surprisingly great distillation of action RPG elements.
Pocket Gamer UK
June 11, 2013
Deep Dungeons of Doom is an extremely bright take on the RPG with an intuitive timing-based battle system and gorgeous pixel-art visuals.
June 12, 2013
Pacey and immediate, Deep Dungeons of Doom offers no-frills, retro-themed fantasy fun. More revives and fewer IAP prompts would have been nice, though.
July 10, 2013
A great experience that tries to bring back the classic, dice-based rol games. It's a long and solid game that won't disappoint its audience.
June 18, 2013
If Deep Dungeons of Doom ultimately feels a tiny bit hollow, this may in part be due to its dazzling presentation.
Digital Spy
June 25, 2013
Each dungeon has its own theme and unique enemies, but once you learn the enemy patterns there is little incentive to go back through one you've already completed. Even the infinite dungeon recycles enemies from the rest of the game, making Deep Dungeons of Doom a fleeting but fun mobile adventure.