
Demigod Critic Reviews

50 Total Reviews

43 Positive Reviews(86%)
7 Mixed Reviews(14%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameFocus May 14, 2024
Demigod is one of those games which surprised the hell out of me in many ways. From the overall presentation, the graphics and audio and the very fun and addictive gameplay, Demigod is one of the best PC games this year and is a shining example of how great game developers can continue to evolve old ideas into bigger and better games. This is a must buy for strategy fans looking for something new.
PALGN May 14, 2024
Demigod shines brightest in its multiplayer, and rarely stops shining. A must for RTS fans and something to look into for multiplayer junkies.
AtomicGamer May 14, 2024
If you really need to play a demo first then by all means wait it out, but if you're still on the fence, I think most gamers will find Demigod to be a blast - especially when more multiplayer issues are ironed out over the next week or two.
GameZone May 14, 2024
The main problem with this game is that it is extremely unreliable when players try to connect to the multiplayer service. This is a shame because this is where the majority of player’s time will be spent. Hopefully this flaw will be fixed as this game is a blast to play!
Cheat Code Central May 14, 2024
The multiplayer focus and a lack of a more traditional, story-driven solo campaign may not sit as well with all players, but the streamlined action-RPG gameplay proves to be seriously addictive in short bursts. The development team managed to inject a surprising level of gameplay depth into such a pared-down RTS design, and it works out.
Impulsegamer May 14, 2024
In conclusion, Demigod is an interesting RTS/RPG game that unfortunately is more suited for an online game, rather than single-player.
Gamervision May 14, 2024
Brad Wardell, CEO of the game's publisher Stardock, said it best: "Now right now, Demigod, as a game, is awesome. Demigod, as an on-line service, however, sucks ass." That couldn't be more true. With any luck these problems will be addressed quickly, because the gameplay is simply too engaging to allow a few network problems get in the way of an otherwise fantastic experience.
GameTrailers May 14, 2024
Despite some of the multiplayer technical issues that are still ongoing, Demigod is an absolute blast to play.
GamingExcellence May 14, 2024
However with time, and a lot of patience, you can excel past these problems and find a really enjoyable experience just waiting to be uncovered.
FiringSquad May 14, 2024
Battles are fast and furious, but you never feel overwhelmed or pulled in too many directions at once.
Pelit (Finland) May 14, 2024
Assuming connection problems are solved, Demigod is really surprisingly fun when played against human opponents. However, new content will be needed on regular basis.
PC Format May 14, 2024
Demigod is simple in concept, but thoroughly engaging and great fun. More content would make this an essential buy.
YouGamers May 14, 2024
Polished, visually impressive and offering a surprising amount of depth under the deceptively simple gameplay. On the downside, Demigod suffers from major multiplayer connectivity issues and lack of content at launch - a lot is riding on patches and free content updates appearing as promised.
SpazioGames May 14, 2024
Quotation forthcoming.
PC Gamer UK May 14, 2024
A fantastically imaginative gameworld of gods, dinosaurs and giants, beautiful but messy and poorly explained.
ActionTrip May 14, 2024
For players looking for some challenging strategy with an RPG skill system that allows the player to tailor the game to their play style, will find a fun and affordable game with Demigod. Just make sure you understand what kind of game you are buying and you won't be disappointed.
Destructoid May 14, 2024
Not quite an RTS and not quite an action game, Demigod is an extremely successful blend of both. Whether it will still have a massive legion of followers two years down the line is debatable, but right now I’m hard pressed to think of any other recent PC games that would be worth buying over Demigod.
Game Informer May 14, 2024
Demigod is a solid implementation of a unique concept.
GameStar May 14, 2024
Solo gamers won’t have that much fun with Demigod, but if you are into multi-player battles, you are in for a treat. Balance needs to be fixed, though. And it’s a bit too expensive.
Everyeye.it May 14, 2024
A refreshing game, deep and complex, but suitable even for new gamers. It has cool graphics even if the engine is light, and the only issue regards the lack of a real "solo mode". Developed specifically for a multiplayer experience, Demigod is a new approach to the genre.