Desperados III Critic Reviews
62 Total Reviews
61 Positive Reviews(98.4%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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LEVEL (Czech Republic)
July 24, 2020
Tactical spaghetti western. Filminess, gameplay and atmosphere interwoven in a unique combination. Great musical accompaniment is just the icing on the cake.
June 14, 2020
Mimimi Games delivers a stellar benchmark for the titles to come both in terms of gameplay cohesion and storytelling in the Far West. Brilliant map design, character synergies and a long-term support plan promise to keep you engaged for more than the initial 25 hours to completion. Make sure to check it out. Probably the RTS of 2020.
God is a Geek
June 12, 2020
Incredibly well put-together and intricately crafted by a developer at the top of their field, Desperados III is a genuine masterpiece of stealth, Stetsons, and steely-eyed heroics.
December 21, 2020
Do not pick up the game if you are looking for a fast-paced adventure heavy on whipping out six-shooters. Fans of real-time tactics should give it a look though because the gameplay here is top-notch. With Mimimi still improving the game with the Bounty Hunters update and level editor, Desperados III is a game you will want holstered when riding off into the sunset.
The Games Machine
June 12, 2020
Mimimi Games did it again. Desperados III is a love letter to a genre of a long forgotten past, beautifully crafted in every single detail. John Cooper and his friends are finally back in action, and let’s hope they are here to stay for a long time.
Player 2
June 23, 2020
Desperados 3 is a sensational game that boasts challenging game design that is as equally rewarding as it is frustrating. With an engaging story, interesting characters, and a great setting, it’s easy to recommend this game to just about everyone.
Critical Hit
June 12, 2020
Desperados III is an absolute hoot. The best strategy game of the year, cowboys and chaos never felt this good and this revival is one for the ages. It may be lethally challenging, but its gung-ho strategy is a masterpiece of design that’s accentuated by lovable rogues, lively levels and a dedication to its genre that can easily outdraw any challengers to its throne.
June 12, 2020
Desperados III feels both familiar and fresh at the same time. A great deal of the muscle memory and character interactions we learned in Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun are at play here, but a whole host of improvements, and a brand new character in Isabelle, make it all feel brand new. A true refinement of an already excellent formula, Desperados III is a masterclass in real-time tactical stealth, and I simply cannot recommend it highly enough.
June 12, 2020
Mimimi Games puts their pedigree to work in Desperados 3 in fantastic ways. It’s not easy, and sometimes it’s downright cruel, but when a plan comes together in Desperados 3’s vast and varied Wild West, it’s supremely satisfying.
June 12, 2020
Everything it does, it does incredibly well. Whether you’re looking to hop into stealth tactics for the first time or you’re an old pro, I would wholeheartedly recommend you check out Desperados 3. It is, without question, one of the best games I’ve played all year.
June 12, 2020
From its effective narration to the depth of its gameplay, through its replayability and its challenges, Desperados III achieves almost flawlessness, and, if you are fans of the genre, we can only advise you to go for it.
June 13, 2020
If you like Commandos and the Wild West, this is your game. It is an outstanding stealth and real-time strategy game, with one of the best level design we’ve seen in the genre.
June 14, 2020
Following on from Shadow Tactics, Mimimi Productions have continued their excellent form with Desperados. While the maps can be a little dull and the game arguably slow, the level of tactical nuance and environmental storytelling, as you progress through engaging and challenging missions, is second to none. Desperados III is an undeniably great game, the best in the series and arguably one of the best in the genre.
June 15, 2020
Desperados III is the ultimate expression of a game genre that initiated in 1999 with Commandos, and it's an immediate blast to play.
Malditos Nerds
June 15, 2020
Desperados III is the prequel that this great franchise deserves. It's a game that completely grabs the player, from start to end: the moment I started the main story, I couldn't let it go until I finished it. Every detail on the map, every dialogue between the characters, everything about the game is enjoyable, almost to the extent that you feel just as another member of the gang.
PC Games
June 15, 2020
If you are craving a game like the original Commandos, this is the one to get: Great level design, likable characters, sleek mechanics and challenging missions make Desperados 3 every bit as good as Shadow Tactics, which is quite a compliment on its own.
June 16, 2020
Desperados III feels natural as a new entry in the series while being an innovative and really good actual game. A game that, without much noise, results in one of the best recent stealth experiences.
June 16, 2020
While the style of the game might not be for everyone, for those that enjoy this genre, they’ll be in for an absolute treat. Desperados III is an outstanding accomplishment and should not be missed.
June 17, 2020
Mimimi Games returns to the real-time stealth tactical genre with Desperados 3. Across massive levels, players will guide their magnificent five characters toward their objectives. Each hero has their own strength they bring to the team, and they're all essential to survive. Desperados is a game of trial-and-error, expecting quicksaves and quickloads to "solve" each level. There's some small muddiness in the controls and enemy perception, and occasionally the punishment for slight mistakes in character or item placement feels punitive. That said, Desperados 3 nonetheless remains a fantastic follow-up to the first game and another win for the developer.
June 22, 2020
If you've played Shadow Tactics, the high quality of Desperados III will come to you as no surprise. This game checks off all the mandatory elements of the stealth tactics genre: lots of ways to complete a mission, an intriguing story (and less obvious than it seems initially), cool characters, and a difficulty level that motivates, but doesn't frustrate.