Bungie confirms that there will be no new'shiny weapons' in Destiny 2's Onslaught Mode next week. Bungie is adding new maps to the game's Onslaught mode, but Bungie has confirmed new factions and maps.
When I log into Destiny 2 these days, which I do for my sins most nights, my clan mates' conversations have a funeral-like air. The conversation always revolves around what Bungie can do to stop the player base from eroding in the wake The Final Shape expansion and the backdrop mass layoffs. We all agree that the brilliant Onslaught horde mod, which was released as part of the Into the Light Update in April, should be a cornerstone for whatever comes next.
Good news! Onslaught Salvation will be included in Episode 2: Revenant when it launches on Tuesday. It ticks almostall of the features players have requested: three new maps (Widows Cout, which was shown in the live stream), as well as two new enemy factions. These include:
- Upgradeable turret that can fire scorching rounds to proc relevant Solar-based bonuses in your build.
- Stasis crystals are created at higher levels by improved tripwires.
- Airstrike which allows you to place a laser orbital beam on your enemy. Bungie didn't say what the final version will look like.
This last one is a clear copy of the Helldivers 2 playbook, but I am not complaining. Bungie said that it would be improving the Mothyards Map (which was not liked by anyone except my fireteam who loved the opportunity to use ranged weaponry instead of playing Midtown every time). We were also informed that the new version will be power-enabled, which means the difficulty may be a bit high at first until you reach the appropriate cap.
Watch the full stream below
[img=]The only downside is that you won't get'shiny weapons', even though you can earn masterworked guns with double perks. The 'Brave Arsenal,' which dropped in OG Onslaught, had a rare opportunity to drop with a variant that featured a sweet-looking animation skin. This was dubbed a'shinies.' The live stream did not mention shinies as part of the loot hunt for Onslaught Salvation, and a Bungie representative confirmed that this isn't the case. I imagine that the playerbase has something to say about it.
Additional Revenant info revealed
Bungie also demonstrated the new exotic weapon that is available with Revenant's Season Pass. It's a Stasis grenade-launcher with a breech loading that uses primary ammo, similar to the Fighting Lion (which is also getting buffed so it can fire Volatile Rounds), and fires projectiles straight ahead, like The Mountaintop. The new GL will drop a'remnant' on kills, which when collected will charge up a bar. Once you reach 50%, you can activate a alt reload which will fire a special ammo block for your allies. At 100% it becomes a heavy brick. If the damage is half decent, this exotic will be a great support exotic.
[img=]We already knew, in terms of exotics, that a reprised Ice Breaker sniper gun from Destiny 1 would be the premium loot of the new dungeon Vesper's host, which opens on Friday, October 11. We didn't know how it would be reworked. Ice Breaker was notorious for causing balance issues in Destiny 1 due to its infinitely regenerating ammunition. This allowed players to hide at back of map and plink at high health targets tortuously. According to Bungie’s weapon design expert Chris Proctor the new version generates ammunition based on assists and kills from your other weapons. The mag will hold 10 rounds and there will be 10 extra in reserve. This is an increase from the original's six. Proctor teased that there would be some interaction between ice and Stasis Crystals.
Revenant will also include:
- This time, the Stasis grenade-launcher uses a double-fire frame that can roll Envious Assassin and Chill Clip. Proctor said that the grenade launcher was designed with multi-weapon damage rotations in mind.
- The Inverted Spire Strike is being brought from the Destiny Content Vault and tweaked so that it includes more Vex and death lasers.
- Strange Coins will be required to earn a new skimmer. The Xurfboard is what I call it, and I am wincing as I type.
- The episodic artifact relies heavily on grenade launches, including a reworked Breach & Clear perks, and boosts for the Stasis Subclass. Tonics will allow you to temporarily activate stronger versions of artifact perks. Here are screencaps for the perks.
Bungie has stated that Episode 2: Revenant will have a vampiric-themed story. Perfect for Halloween. During the stream, they also said that it will be a very "metal" episode. They also mentioned a major overhaul of armor, which was largely irrelevant after a few sets with decent stats. This will be part of the larger 'Apollo" expansion next year. I have some thoughts on what they are proposing and will write about that next. You can read this blog here.
I'm happy to see that they've taken feedback on wanting more Onslaught into account, but I hope there's enough time during the episode to rethink their lack of shinies. We are simple animals: If it sparkles, we will work for it.