
Destruction Derby Arenas Critic Reviews

27 Total Reviews

7 Positive Reviews(25.9%)
19 Mixed Reviews(70.4%)
1 Negative Reviews(3.7%)

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PGNx Media May 6, 2024
It is fun for the same reason that something like Serious Sam is fun to play: the simplicity of it all. Fans of previous games may be a little turned off by the new arcade-like gameplay, though.
Worth Playing May 6, 2024
The game’s modest modes of play, underwhelming presentation, and ill-conceived points system are a far cry from the series’ glory days, but the gameplay is solid and the courses can be a lot of fun under the right circumstances.
PSM Magazine May 6, 2024
Lots of arcade-style crash and bash, but the offline game's rather thin, so online play is probably the deciding buy-or-rent factor.
Console Gameworld May 6, 2024
The real draw is online play, and friends will have a blast ramming each other into the walls.
GamePro May 6, 2024
The "Rocky III" of video games: There isn't much suspense, the acting's cheesy, and the production values could be better, but you can't help but get sucked in.
GamingWorld X May 6, 2024
A mindlessly fun game with an addictive quality to the upgrade system, and the mounds of unlockable cars also helps to boost the replay value.
Game Chronicles May 6, 2024
There is plenty of great racing and wrecking action, but the loose controls and last-gen graphics will probably keep this game from achieving the stardom it could have if they designers had gone the extra mile.
Game Informer May 6, 2024
The graphics are crisp and the physics are solid once you get used to how loose they are, but there's nothing to keep you coming back after the initial fun of t-boning someone and watching them explode wears off.
GameZone May 6, 2024
While I liked the overall arcade feel to the game and I thought that the car handling was OK, I really thought that the track designs were pretty dull overall and that there just really wasn’t a whole lot of excitement to them.
Play Magazine May 6, 2024
The physics on the cars are kept too simple and there's too much of a reliance on power-ups, but go online and the energy level doubles.
BonusStage May 6, 2024
With a little work, a much better career mode, some hammering on the controls, and definitely the addition of custom cars and upgrades, this game would bring this series back to life with a stellar pulse.
Gamer's Hell May 6, 2024
It takes quite some time to get used to the slow reaction of your car, but doesn’t prevent you from winning races right from the start – DDA wants you to destroy your environment rather than to skilfully avoid obstacles.
GameSpot May 6, 2024
Let's face it. Smashing up cars is huge fun. But with the game's focus on things like racing and making other cars spin, not enough attention is paid to plain ol' vehicular mayhem.
G4 TV May 6, 2024
Offers up some fun, mindless action that fizzles out rather quickly. It's an easy game to pick up and dive right into, but for a single player, it's a weekend rental at best.
Frictionless Insight May 6, 2024
Both the online and offline portions suffer from a lack of depth in the demolition portion.
netjak May 6, 2024
Lack of challenge, mediocre presentation, and unfriendly driving simulation makes DDA an unworthy contender in the racing game genre.
Armchair Empire May 6, 2024
A major disappointment with too many problems to be anything more than a weekend rental.
TotalGames.net May 6, 2024
Now it's here and we can't help to say with steadfast assuredness that it's not worth your effort.
PSX Extreme May 6, 2024
If you've got nothing else better to do, then Destruction Derby Arenas can kill a few hours of your time. Provided you're not expecting too much out of the game, you'll have some fun in a "it's always fun to smash cars" sort of way.
A racing game packed with features that you've mostly seen before, hiding behind a veneer of graphical mediocrity.