DESYNC Critic Reviews
18 Total Reviews
11 Positive Reviews(61.1%)
7 Mixed Reviews(38.9%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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March 20, 2017
An immensely tough, but amazingly satisfying shooter experience for only $15 (USD). If you’re looking for a serious challenge, a brightly colored, uniquely appealing geometric aesthetic, or the best ‘80s soundtrack you never knew you needed in your life, then Desync is your jam.
New Game Network
March 15, 2017
A fast, punishing, stylish first-person shooter with a unique character-action-style formula and nuanced combat to boot. Hardcore and rewarding, if you can get a handle on it.
May 19, 2017
Yes, the arenas could be more varied. But nonetheless, this is a challenging high score shooter that induces the infamous “one-more-try” into your system with ease.
March 17, 2017
DESYNC requires a special blend of patience and precision. It’s a raw power buried way in your guts that this game just might awaken in you anew.
Hooked Gamers
March 22, 2017
If circle strafing, weapon switching, and sci-fi monster killing is right up your alley, then Desync is an easy recommendation if you’re willing to deal with some obscure menus and high difficulty. It’s got a lot of style, and the combo kills feel great when you’re in the zone, but resist the temptation to get pulled in if you’re looking for a game to blow off steam. Desync will have you on edge and frustrated for a lot of the time while playing it.
March 27, 2017
Desync despite being hard, has its fair share of enjoyment and good moments. If you are a seasoned fps player, honed skills and all, and you are willing to overlook some frustrating implementation of mechanics, it's worth giving it a try.
March 4, 2017
A very challenging, yet fun FPS, not very revolutionary but addictive and with its own personality.
March 9, 2017
DESYNC is a retro-futuristic shooter, that mix the killing-style of Bulletstorm, the art direction of Tron and the fast-paced action of Painkiller, all wrapped with a thick fog and a sadistic level of difficulty.
Critical Hit
March 13, 2017
DESYNC mixes fast-paced action with gnarly visuals of a bygone era, living up to a promise that that it’ll kick 50 shades of neon out of your butt and then some. Your mileage on such punishing and relentless gameplay however, might vary depending on your tolerance for pain and synth.
March 18, 2017
DESYNC is fast-paced and challenging and if you are a fan of classic shooters like doom, you’ll probably enjoy it. The visuals can get repetitive quickly, and gameplay doesn’t add anything new to what we’ve already seen. But fast-paced and very challenging action, mixed with tons of different enemies and a great soundtrack, are enough to keep fans of the genre busy for a while.
IGN Spain
April 17, 2017
A crazy experience, not recommended for players with problems of epilepsy and with a strong "old school" shooter style. Hard, fast & frustrating.
God is a Geek
March 19, 2017
Beautiful aesthetics and soundtrack wrapping a Doom-alike shooter, slightly marred by unfair and punishing gameplay that could use a good dose of balancing.
Hardcore Gamer
March 17, 2017
Desync is not the worst first person shooter I have ever played, but it just doesn’t bring anything to the table to make it that worthwhile either. It does a good job at recreating how the ’80s tried to create something that looked futuristic, but this stylized homage to that decade is definitely style over substance.
April 26, 2017
Desync is a niche game that has no chance to appeal to wider audience. Most people will quickly grow tired of its unforgiving difficulty level and return to Doom or Shadow Warrior. Those interested in overcoming their limitations however will enjoy it.
Quarter to Three
July 17, 2017
The fundamental fact about Desync is a paradox. Its difficulty level is an obstacle and a draw. When I’m playing Desync, it takes me about thirty minutes to decide “this is too hard, it”. And when I’m not playing Desync, it takes me about a week to decide “hmm, I should give Desync another try”.
PC Gamer
March 23, 2017
A competent shooter, but lifeless. You could spend many hours mastering Desync, but it does nothing to earn your time.
Arcade Sushi
March 8, 2017
I wanted Desync to be good. I’m fan of games that actually test your reflexes and mettle but so much of this title just feels unfair. It controls well enough and when you’re actually able to get a combo going, it’s fun. Ultimately, those moments are too few and far between. Maybe with some improvements or toning down the difficulty and enemy speed, I’ll return to Desync. For now I’ll just to stick with games that do everything Desync tries to do with better results, like Bulletstorm or Doom.