
Devil May Cry 5 Critic Reviews

68 Total Reviews

64 Positive Reviews(94.1%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Destructoid March 6, 2019
This is the sort of fine-tuned wacky action game the genre deserves.
God is a Geek March 6, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 is a stunning hack and slash game and never fails to amaze. Combat this good should be illegal.
Twinfinite March 6, 2019
The wait between Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 5 might have been long, but the payoff is more than worth it. It doesn't deviate from the series' formula, but instead refines it to a polished sheen; one that's packed with an absurd amount of style and spirit. This is a must-play action game for fans of the series and the genre alike.
Game Rant March 6, 2019
From its superb visual presentation to its wildly successful combat system, Devil May Cry 5 is the perfect action game. The developers put all their energy into providing a constant string of exciting, over-the-top battles that push players to the limit and test their abilities to pull off the most stylish combos possible, and the result is a game that keeps a breakneck pace and never slows down. There isn’t a single dull moment in Devil May Cry 5, and it’s arguably the best game in the series to date.
FANDOM March 6, 2019
This is the best Devil May Cry yet. Each character has enough depth to fill a game by themselves, the story does exactly what it needs to, the twists and turns keep you on edge and the combat sets a new benchmark for action games as a whole. Capcom has made a masterclass in stylish combat gaming here, and there’s enough content to keep players happy — even if it takes another 11 years for a sequel.
TheXboxHub March 14, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 gracefully inherits the very best narrative aspects from Devil May Cry 3 and even surpasses it in some regards. It features some of the best music and characters in the whole series, along with a multitude of new weapons and abilities, and it sets a new bar of quality and content for upcoming entries, which, I hope, will act as a template for what we can expect from the series in the future.
VGC May 2, 2019
The onslaught of things to shoot, crush or skewer demons with is always exhilarating, and done ample. justice by Capcom’s RE Engine
IGN March 6, 2019
The question of which Devil May Cry game is the best has gotten much easier with Devil May Cry 5. The combat is the strongest the series has seen to date, the story does a great job of balancing all three of its main characters and doling out rewarding bits of its mysterious story at an enticing pace, and the unlockable difficulties, sheer number of techniques to earn, and the upcoming free Bloody Palace DLC will provide a ton of incentive for replayability. It’s good to have you back, Dante and Nero.
GamingTrend March 6, 2019
DMC 5 is probably the best hack-and-slash game you’ll play all year, and definitely the most stylish.
MondoXbox March 6, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 manages to bring back Dante and friends at the very top of the stylish action games genre with over-the top action, great variety, a compelling story and a great art directions coupled with spectacular graphics. This definitely is the masterwork every fan was hoping it to be, and the glorious come-back the series deserved.
COGconnected March 6, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 excels at bringing back that iconic feeling the franchise is known for and does so with killer style, strategic, fast-paced combat, and a pumping soundtrack. Every cutscene feels like it belongs in a movie, and every battle feels powerful and intense as each new ability is unlocked. The only fault the game has shown me is a drop in frame rate during a few cutscenes but is definitely nothing to be worried about. Devil May Cry is back with a vengeance.
Generación Xbox March 6, 2019
Devil May Cry V rises above the rest of Hack And Slash and by its own merits becomes the current benchmark of the genre.
SomosXbox March 11, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 brings us back everything we wanted: the purest of hack and slash, action and style. One of the most complete games in the franchise and one that is perfect for newcomers. Despite some issues that prevent Devil May Cry 5 from being a perfect game, Capcom has done an impeccable job with the franchise. Long live the sons of Sparda.
IGN Spain March 6, 2019
DMC5 makes even better what this franchise does best, improving on its formula in almost every way, but doesn't do anything new In the process. The game doesn't has any hiccups or problems, so if you are the kind of gamer that loves these frantic action games, you'll be more than happy with Capcom's latest creation.
Xbox Achievements March 6, 2019
A triumphant return for Capcom's coolest series, Devil May Cry 5 is a stupidly slick game that does almost everything right. It'll totally pull your Devil Trigger.
App Trigger March 6, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 reintroduces players to the core values of peak action-adventure gaming, being equally as fun as it is charismatic. Despite a fairly short story that fails to engage at times, diverse gameplay, stunning visuals, and a gorgeous art style make up the difference to make this one of the best gaming experiences early on in 2019.
Gamer.no March 6, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 is a brilliant and exhausting game that continuously reaches new levels of greatness. This is Capcom at its finest.
GameSpot March 6, 2019
DMC5 proves the series can still be brilliant and imaginative without compromising its longest-held traditions.
Press Start Australia March 6, 2019
Devil May Cry 5 rights all the wrongs of its predecessors with style and gusto, whilst being incredibly welcoming to series newcomers. The three playable characters bring great combat variety against the games huge slew of enemies and bosses. There are a few little niggles that stop the game from being the best it could be, but Devil May Cry 5 is undoubtedly one of the best in the series.
TheSixthAxis March 6, 2019
Hideaki Itsuno, my hat goes off to you and your crew. It's only March, and yet Devil May Cry 5 is another clear Game of the Year contender. The silly arguments on whether the original DMC or DmC is better can stop now, because DMC5 is here and it’s bloody brilliant. This is a proper return to form for the series, something that fans of both can get behind.