Diablo III Critic Reviews
86 Total Reviews
83 Positive Reviews(96.5%)
3 Mixed Reviews(3.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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May 18, 2012
It takes the core experience that made Diablo II great and makes it less frustrating and, more importantly, much more accessible. Where Diablo II encouraged careful planning and forethought, Diablo III encourages experimentation and fun. And hey, if you're not down with that, Torchlight II is right around the corner.
May 18, 2012
Blizzard had to compromise to manage the expectations of a larger audience. Diablo III still manages to remain truthful to its roots, while still increasing accessibility for newcomers. Some players might be annoyed by those revisions of the formula, but the truth is that Diablo III still is the benchmark of modern hack'n slash games we were praying to get, thanks to incredible production values, polish, sound work and content.
May 21, 2012
At its core, Diablo 3 is a series of combat encounters and, when you realize just how carefully it's put together, Blizzard's expertise is staggering.
Eurogamer Portugal
May 22, 2012
It is true that Blizzard is not a company known for being innovative, but there is a word which I believe defines their games: competence. Diablo is the best of its genre and is there to last for several years.
Giant Bomb
May 22, 2012
It's such a rare thing that my interest in continuing to play a game keeps increasing not just toward the end of the game but past the end, yet somehow the more Diablo I play, the more Diablo I want to play. It doesn't do anything especially new with the action-RPG genre, but it does all the old things very, very well, and sometimes that's more than enough.
May 24, 2012
Games this thoughtfully crafted don't happen very often, and the care that Blizzard has taken with Diablo 3 shows in every facet of its design and execution. It might not be perfect, but after 45 hours, I'm not sure where it missteps, and after 45 hours, I feel like I've only scratched the surface of what it has to offer. Diablo 3 is almost evil in how high a bar it's set for every PC action RPG to follow, and I wouldn't be surprised to see that bar remain for a very long time.
May 22, 2012
Diablo 3 is an odyssey in a cruel and dark world. Its epic and violent story is yet again upon us. And we shall all tremble.
May 22, 2012
Whether you're dual-wielding axes and swords, rapid firing a mighty crossbow, fist-fighting, throwing a spear, casting a powerful spell or indeed summoning a monster of your very own, this game will make you feel like a true hero - one that is caught in the eternal and epic struggle between light and dark. Diablo 3 is a truly memorable experience and one of the best video games we've played in recent times.
May 19, 2012
With Diablo III, Blizzard made one of the most approachable and enjoyable games in the world even better. In fact, aside from the annoying online-only infrastructure, I can't imagine a single thing I would change to make this game better. That's when you know you have a classic on your hands, and that's also when you know you should play this game as much as you can.
May 21, 2012
After twelve years, Blizzard has achieved a great return in Diablo, with the same trademark gameplay, easy to play but hard to master, and some changes that are controversial for some players. Some wanted it to be more traditional, others wanted many more changes, but the game is as fun as ever and provides for tons of hours.
May 22, 2012
Simply put, Diablo III is a ton of fun. With five character classes, three unlockable difficulty levels and the Blizzard statement that 70% of the loot isn't available in Normal, there is tons of replay value. Anything bad I could say about the game is, in the end, a minor complaint, and none of it got in the way of my enjoyment. It lives up to the series pedigree and is the best game of its kind. If you like this style of game you should absolutely be playing it, and if you're new to the genre it's a great place to start.
May 22, 2012
Blizzard haven't set out to reinvent the wheel with Diablo III, opting instead to release the ultimate version of a wheel that's already beloved by its niche audience.
May 23, 2012
So many systems from previous Diablo titles have been improved, making for an approachable, rewarding and deeply satisfying treasure hunting game. It's addictive on a level few games can match, so much so that it's easy to largely overlook its flaws.
May 23, 2012
Will we be playing Diablo III ten years from now and be as happy with it, as we are with its predecessor? No doubt. Even though the new Diablo has some technical issues and some solutions create controversies, the gameplay model is timeless. An interesting quest system, engrossing battles, versatile gameplay and a masterpiece of a multiplayer are only some of the game's qualities.
Gamer Limit
May 24, 2012
While at first glance Diablo III seems to be a step back from it's predecessor, it's actually more complicated, and ultimately, a more satisfying experience.
May 28, 2012
With all those dungeon randomisations, boss events, challenging difficulty, co-op play, loot gathering and the general mayhem of monster slaying, Diablo III is a ride that may tire if binged on religiously but one that'll haunt your dreams long-term to get back to it, just like its predecessor.
May 18, 2012
Diablo III is a perfectly done hack 'n' slay game that captures the spirit of its predecessors. Great cinematics, a well-done talent system and large maps are just a few of Diablo III's strengths.
May 29, 2012
While the decent storyline, the online auction house, the active post-release tweaking and the addictive gameplay may be compelling reasons to own Diablo III – Blizzards newest game is king for one reason : accessible gameplay and repeat visits to Sanctuary.
May 20, 2012
Getting online and into the game though, rewards players with one of the most engaging single-player and co-op experiences in the business, so if you have patience and can look past Blizzard's biggest oversight, you're in for one of the year's best games.