
Dicefolk Critic Reviews

16 Total Reviews

15 Positive Reviews(93.8%)
1 Mixed Reviews(6.3%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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God is a Geek February 23, 2024
Dicefolk is a wonderful Roguelike monster fighting game, with inventive and engaging combat and shed loads of content to dive into.
TheSixthAxis February 23, 2024
Dicefolk is an intriguing take on the roguelike that gives you an unprecedented level of control over everything, and still makes you sweat in battle. It's cute, the replayability is very high, and it's got some fun progression unlocks as well. Definitely grab it if you're a turn-based roguelike person.
Gamers' Temple March 25, 2024
Dicefolk is really all about the battles. If you’re looking for a full RPG experience, you’ll probably be disappointed. There’s not much to the story and very little world-building. However, strategy gamers are in for a treat. The unique battle mechanics provide for plenty of tactical depth, and there’s enough of a random element to keep you on your toes and make the battles more than just puzzles to be solved. The rogue-like elements and the randomness between runs work to keep things fresh. If you enjoy tactical games, but are a little burned-out on the turn-based RPG battle format, take Dicefolk out for a roll.
Hooked Gamers February 26, 2024
Altogether, Dicefolk is a successful amalgamation of multiple concepts layered on top of each other in a satisfying way. The only real issue this reviewer could really bring to the table is the game loop feels a bit more repetitive than it does satisfying, but that could just be this particular reviewer's thoughts on roguelikes and as such may not be a reliable view on the loop. Along with this the story and music feel a bit lacking in scale, but again this was likely more of an expectation of an RPG type game rather than a roguelike one. But with that being said If gamers are fans of any of the concepts that Dicefolk is made up of, from deck building to roguelikes to creature collecting, it is certainly worth a look, if not an outright pickup!
Multiplayer.it February 23, 2024
Dicefolk is a roguelite that gives us power over randomness. We roll the dice, analyse the available moves and choose what our team will do as well as the opposing team. By playing on both sides of the fence, we can create more elaborate and fun strategies to field. Dicefolk is suitable for those who want to be challenged but also those who prefer not to play dozens of hours without gaining a single victory.
GamesHub February 23, 2024
With its novel approach to combat, a charming little art style, and plenty of unique mechanics, Dicefolk is a game with plenty of personality, and plenty of reasons to keep rolling its die, and coming back for more.
Digitally Downloaded February 26, 2024
Dicefolk gets a lot right, and the developers clearly thought hard about how to take a fundamentally dice-based game, and make something that players could enjoy as a tactical roguelike, where randomness does not result in frustrating failures. However, Dicefolk is, ultimately, a pastiche with very little of its own creative identity, and I do think this is going to limit its audience to only the most hardcore Slay the Spire fans. But, then again, it’s not my job to worry about the commercial viability of a game. For those who simply cannot get enough of roguelikes, Dicefolk is yet another one for you to play.
Hey Poor Player February 26, 2024
As a fan of the rogue-like and monster catcher genres, Dicefolk is a treat. But while I love the design and enjoy the overall gameplay, the challenge could desperately use some retuning. But if you’re a glutton for punishment and don’t mind a ton of grinding, in that case, I can wholeheartedly recommend this challenging hybrid.
GameSpew February 27, 2024
Dicefolk is the type of game we can see ourselves going back to again and again. It’s going to appeal to fans of deckbuilding roguelikes, but its Pokémon-like twist — and the fact you’re rolling dice instead of playing cards — helps it stand out from the crowd. It’s challenging but addictive, which just so happens to be the perfect combination for a game like this.
Softpedia March 4, 2024
Dicefolk puts an interesting twist on classic ideas. Controlling both dice sets in combat creates cool challenges and gives players options to deal with powerful enemies. There’s also plenty of variety, powered by tokens and items, to create personalized strategies and find novel ways of engaging with bosses. While the chimera idea is interesting, the game failed to draw me into its universe. Dicefolk knows the genre it's working in and has the innovation required to draw in veterans looking for new ideas but it might struggle to keep them interesting in the long run.
Gaming Age May 24, 2024
Every run in Dicefolk brings new adventures, and it’s a sign of how well it’s put together that you’ll definitely want to go on run after run after run.
Checkpoint Gaming February 26, 2024
Even though its overarching story world could be fleshed out further, Dicefolk offers a refreshing take on the roguelike formula. Thanks to its combat mechanics, dice system, and variety of chimeras and equipment, gameplay is varied and complex while still being accessible to newcomers. Added to this, the feature of customising different dice allows players to tailor their dice according to their personal tastes and playstyle, making Dicefolk a good fit for both casual and more hard-core roguelike fans.
Player 2 February 28, 2024
It is perfectly made for on-the-go gaming, playing on the bus or in the car, when you have 20 mins before a meeting or just to help you wind down before bed.
The Games Machine February 23, 2024
Dicefolk is a valid alternative in the search for a good roguelike with mechanics linked to dice management that are interesting, but very unbalanced and managed by luck.
Hardcore Gamer February 23, 2024
Dicefolk has truly amazing combat that makes great use of its rotation and dice mechanics, and it's bolstered by a ton of impressive designs in tthe Chimeras, each packing their own skills that are fun to experiment with as you craft your dream team and playstyle. Unfortunately, the lack of any interesting story hinders the experience and can easily leave you wanting more. Still, as long as you desire a unique spin on the traditional creature-collecting formula and the battles associated with it, Dicefolk can still be worth checking out, even if the odds of you enjoying the game for longer periods may boil down to a dice roll.
TechRadar Gaming February 23, 2024
Dicefolk is a fun turn-based roguelike with a decent variety of environments and characters to stay entertaining, but the content itself becomes repetitive. Although excitement is added through boss encounters and the gamble of random rolls, the repetition holds Dicefolk back from excelling.