February 20, 1982

Dig Dug

Dig Dug
Based on 2 Ratings
Based on 15 Reviews


[Xbox Live Arcade] Experience the fast-paced action of this quarter-cruncher from 1982 as you take control of Dig Dug himself and vanquish Pookas and Fygars. Using your trusty pump, inflate your enemies until they pop, or squash them under rocks. Don't hesitate, or you could get squashed yourself. Drive your high score up by taking out enemies further underground, or making more difficult kills. Dig! Propel Dig Dug through underground tunnels as he hunts down monsters. The more dirt you move, the more points you get. Watch out for treacherous rocks and use them to your advantage. Fight! Just because your enemies start in tunnels doesn't mean they have to stay there. Watch out for them sneaking up on you and make them pay! Collect! Drop more than two rocks and look for icons to start appearing in the center of the map! Collect these items, including the ship from the Xbox Live Arcade game Galaga, to drive your score higher. [Microsoft]

Dig Dug Trailer

Critic Reviews

  • 90
    Gaming Nexus June 20, 2024
    Twenty-four years after its debut, old school never looked so good. Dig Dug continues the impressive line of classic arcade titles to hit Xbox Live Arcade with another seamless transition from 80's style into next-gen play.
  • 80
    Console Gameworld June 20, 2024
    If you’ve downloaded Pac-Man, Frogger and the like already, you’ll have more of the same fun with Dig Dug, once you get past the less-than-perfect controls that plague all these games.
  • 80
    GameDaily June 20, 2024
    Nothing has really been added to signify the arcade experience, aside from a few easily unlockable achievements and a live leaderboard. The upside? The game is still a delightful romp, filled with puzzling scenarios and a simplistic, colorful design.
  • 78
    Game Chronicles June 20, 2024
    For a lot of younger gamers it might be too simple a premise, but if you give the trial version a shot you should find enough challenging gameplay here to warrant a purchase.
  • 75
    Official Xbox Magazine June 20, 2024
    You don't hear "digging" and think "Oooh, fun!"--but somehow, Dig Dug makes you crave it.