January 26, 2006

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Based on 51 Reviews
Release date
January 26, 2006


The time has come to cleanse this world. Hunt down the unworthy...and show them no mercy. Three years have passed since the events of FINAL FANTASY VII. Buried alive following the Meteor disaster, a mysterious group known as the DG (Deepground) Soldiers emerges and begins raiding the city. The enigmatic Vincent Valentine is somehow connected to these attacks, and he may be the only one who can save this shattered world. When the world is engulfed in darkness, his gun will toll a dreadful dirge... Other characters from FINAL FANTASY VII join Vincent on his journey, and as the story unfolds, you will bear witness to shocking truths never revealed in the original game.

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Trailer

Final Fantasy Series Games64

Final Fantasy VII
January 31, 1997
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
January 11, 1999
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
July 7, 2000
Final Fantasy IX
July 19, 2001
Final Fantasy X
May 16, 2002
Final Fantasy XI
March 13, 2003
Final Fantasy X-2
March 14, 2006
Final Fantasy XII
February 14, 2003
Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance

Critic Reviews51

This game should not disappoint fans, it is different for sure, but it is also an excellent, very well executed shooter, which still retains the elements of FF we all love - the complex plot, upgrades, EXP, and even a chance to discuss chocobos if you just find the right girl to chat with!
May 11, 2024
It's a unique take on the FPS, RPG and action genres, but at the same time Dirge of Cerberus doesn’t execute either of these genres extremely well. If you’re willing to be patient with the game’s controls Dirge of Cerberus offers a new experience and more background on the Final Fantasy VII universe.
May 11, 2024
Mediocre at best gameplay coupled with graphical bliss and a lengthy story guarantee huge sales, but you’d be much better off waiting a month and getting FF XII as this is no RPG and it’s no picnic.
May 11, 2024

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