DiRT 4 Critic Reviews
46 Total Reviews
44 Positive Reviews(95.7%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Hobby Consolas
June 6, 2017
The first Colin McRae Rally was released almost twenty years ago, but DiRT 4 shows that Codemasters is still the best company in the genre of rally games.
June 6, 2017
Accessible yet tough and grimy yet gorgeous, Dirt 4 sets a new standard in rally racing – and its well-considered career mode and endless stages inject it with tremendous stamina. Absolutely stonking brilliant.
June 6, 2017
If Dirt Rally's punishing difficulty alienated longtime series fans in any way, this commitment to accessibility should help to bring them back, and the near-infinite possibilities of Your Stage should keep them playing. Dirt 4 is a shining example of Codemasters at their brilliant best.
PlayStation Universe
June 6, 2017
The latest in arguably Codemasters cornerstone racing franchise; rally racing on PS4 just doesn’t get better than Dirt 4. It simply doesn’t.
God is a Geek
June 6, 2017
From the comprehensive career mode to the fun of Rallycross and Joyride, Dirt 4 is one of Codemasters’ best. And it’s the best rally game by quite some distance.
Game Informer
June 7, 2017
Dirt Rally was an amazing title that simply lacked features. Dirt 4 doesn't merely fill some of those holes; it gives the franchise a rich backdrop that makes the game the best in the series. It also has a new identity beyond the multiple racing disciplines. Codemasters has given us a feast that spurs our appetite for the kind of hasty danger you can never get enough of.
June 8, 2017
Codemasters strikes again! Technically great and filled to the brim with content, this is quite simply one of the best rally games ever made.
June 11, 2017
I've never been more charmed by a racing video game and I could not recommend any other more than Dirt 4, to anyone of any ability. Dirt 4 is a joy.
Digital Chumps
June 12, 2017
DiRT Rally was the entry point, the entrée if you will, ahead of the main course of DiRT 4. While sim die-hards may still prefer the former it’s hard for me to go back given everything on offer here. The simulation underpinnings are still there and the cars will still spit you off if you go over the edge but everything is much more pliable and far friendlier to those of us driving on a gamepad. There’s more to see, more to do and more importantly, it’s much more fun!
June 20, 2017
Dirt 4 manages what very few racing games do. It’s driving is challenging yet accessible, and it pairs this with an almost endless amount of content. The career mode is robust, and the stages are varied and beautifully designed, but the ability to create your own unique tracks using Your Stage is what sets Codemasters’ game apart from every other rally game that has come before.
Critical Hit
June 23, 2017
The sensation of rubber recklessly drifting across the sand, of splattering across your face and a grumpy Scotsman calling out the course before you as you violently swerve around corners. Rally racing is mental stuff and Dirt 4 captures that manic joy perfectly. The full fearless package of graphics, guts and glory.
July 7, 2017
After the success of DiRt Rally, Codemasters is back with a vengeance. DiRT 4 is a testament to everything the company has learned over the years, the best DiRT game to date and one of the best racers of all time.
July 7, 2017
The variety keeps you in the game and that, in time, enables you to master the feel and potential of the cars on offer. Best of all, improving is enjoyable - you never feel as though you're playing simply to get better. You can't ask for more from a racer than that.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
August 9, 2017
Finishing a race carries as much emotional punch as entire other games.
Playstation Official Magazine Australia
February 8, 2018
Once you strap yourself into the rollcaged bucket seat of Dirt 4 it’ll be extremely tough to extricate yourself from it anytime soon.
June 19, 2017
DiRT 4 succeeds at taking the series to another new level which almost makes this one of the favourite ones I’ve played in the series. The gameplay mechanics work extremely well and I had no issues with the DualShock controller while I controlled these powerful off-road vehicles. Furthermore, there’s a plethora of modes to play, heaps of cars and lots of different areas that make this title some excellent value for money. Lastly, it’s not just as a rally game as the developers have added lots of fun modes and vehicles to help expand the gameplay. Then you have the daily and weekly challenges which just expand the scope of the game, including the ability of playing it in either two modes, gamer or simulation!
June 7, 2017
DiRT 4 is a great racing game thanks to its sophisticated physics, gameplay mechanics and precise controls.
June 6, 2017
Codemasters has managed to offer a game for both newcomers and expert drivers as well, which is a must for DiRT 4 to be really enjoyable. The learning curve is easy to handle, the game offers enough content in several styles and even though the most exigent will always want more realism, it's completely on par with the expectations.
June 6, 2017
DiRT 4 is a great title, fun and scalable: the right compromise of simulation and accessibility.
PlayStation LifeStyle
June 6, 2017
DiRT 4 encompasses all that it means to race. To spend hours tuning your car, taking it out for a ride to test, bringing it back in to the garage to tweak some more, and repeating until everything is perfect. To have the stressors of the day simply fall away the second the red lights turn off and you are given the “GO” light. To have a perfect run and relish in your victories, as well as to have a devastating setback at the last second, but to learn from your mistakes and carry your head high as you give it another go.